
I Dreamed a Dream

I would love to have a person who could interpret dreams.

For one part of each of my dreams, I am perfectly able to interpret.  I am always in a place where there are no bathrooms, or they are extremely hard to find.

Now, I know what that means.  I LITERALLY HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!

But, the other parts of my dreams are so bizarre.

And, I want to know why I always dream such crazy things.

Do they relate to the books I am currently reading?

Do they relate to the stories I've heard on my mission from people who have crazy stories to tell about their families?

Are they about my own thoughts about my family?

Are they trying to tell me something, and I'm too dense to get the message.

Man, my dreams are getting crazier and crazier.

So, where's the dream whisperer when I need her?


Retired? If YOU say so!

Yesterday, RAH was filling out an online application for something.

When it came to the box about where he worked, he marked


It made me laugh because we might be retired, but that doesn't mean we aren't incredibly busy!

In fact, as he was filling out the application, we had to leave it because we were running late for an appointment.

Our calendars look like sit is bleeding......

I know it's not as harried as a parent of children, but for being retired, we certainly are on the go a lot.



Visiting and Home Teaching - Often taking 2 or 3 tries in a month.


Grocery shopping,

More errands,

Visiting neighbors - not because we have to - but because we care.

Taking care of some children occasionally.

And, of course, our mission, which I personally love.

So, sometimes when I get a little frustrated or overwhelmed with all I HAVE to do,

I realize that I'm blessed to have mobility, to have a car that I can still drive, to have a small income to be able to do things.

And, it makes me grateful that I HAVE things to do.

So, we might be retired, but oh, are we

B.U.S.Y!  And, that's all right.


Giving Up Something for LENT

When I was in junior high, I had a teacher for two years who was a very strict Catholic.

(Well, she was a strict everything!)

She LOVED popcorn.  Sometimes, she would open the door into her small closet while we were working at our desks and she would pop some popcorn into her mouth.   (I sat at the back of the room where I could see exactly what she was doing!)  I thought that was pretty cool, actually, and wished I could sneak in there with her also.

Every year, Miss Zeibarth gave up popcorn for Lent.  I didn't really understand that religious tradition, but learned about it from her.

Since that time, just to test myself, I have given up items that I enjoy for Lent.  Even though our religion has a monthly Fast day, I have tried sometimes in years past to give up something for 40 days.  (The thing I really SHOULD give up is CHOCOLATE, alas, that is not to to be this year, at least.)

But, this year, I am going back to my days with Miss Zeibarth, and giving up POPCORN for 40 days.

I love popcorn.

I have found a healthy brand of popcorn and eat it quite a lot.

Best popcorn ever.....I buy it in big bags from Costco.  Yum Yum!

Sometimes, I have popcorn for breakfast.  I snack on it for a healthy snack.  I eat it for dessert.  I love this brand of popcorn.

In fact, just writing this makes me crave popcorn.

But, I can do this for 40 days.

Here goes...no popcorn until Easter Sunday.  And, then, I'll do just like Miss Zeibarth did on the Monday following Easter.

She brought a GINORMOUS bag of popcorn - I'd never seen any bag of popcorn so big.  She put it in her closet, and during class, she would go back and enjoy it.

That will be me on Easter Sunday.

Let the LENT fasting begin!

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...