
Tales From the Mission

She was not a member of the church.

But, her doctor suggested because she had a lot of extra time between cancer treatments, that she might enjoy the family discovery center.

Enjoy it, she did.

We found an extended tree with information she had not previously had.  And, she loved going thru the Discovery Center, doing as it suggests; discovering things about her family and ancestors.

It was so fun to meet Sandy.  I rejoiced with her at all the things she discovered that day.

However, I also felt sad for her as she has no children and her husband is deceased.

She lives in Mesquite and comes to SG for cancer treatments, as did her husband.  She showed a slight interest in the church and loved all the caregivers, nurses, doctors, etc.  at the hospital.  She realized that many were Mormons, and she said, "THEY ARE JUST SO HAPPY!"

That made my heart sing.

She had just gone to get a coffee, and I mentioned that Mormons don't drink coffee.  She was so surprised and said, "Well, I know they don't drink COKE, but I had no idea they don't drink coffee!"

Ha ha; made me laugh.

Have I mentioned that I truly love the mission?!?!?!??!??

Yes, I do.


Tales of Adoption

In the last three months, two members of our ward have found their birth families, thanks to DNA Testing and Facebook.

They have been thrilled and excited.

They have found answers and with great joy have bonded with new families.

It has been so fun to hear their stories.  I have spoken at length with both of these people;

Bobbie Jo and Dave.

But, here's my question - to no one in particular....

What if your family background is ugly....

Would you want to know?

What if your father is in jail for rape or robbery?

Would that be difficult to find out?

What if your mother is a homeless drug addict?

Would that be a pleasant discovery?

I ask these questions because I know of a situation where some of this is true.

And, it's so sad to know that a parent is really not a good person at this point.

And, no, I don't think the adopted person would want to know.

So, for Bobbie Jo and Dave, they are rejoicing,

But, it's not good news for every adoptee.

Perhaps what was hidden should stay hidden.

SoRRow That the Eye Can't See

Sometimes the ache in my heart is heavier than I care to carry.

Sometimes the hurt is overpowering.

Sometimes all I want to do is weep, cry, sob, and then weep some more.

Sometimes I forget how truly blessed I am in so many ways.

So, when that happens,

I MUST turn to the Saviour.

I MUST use the Atonement in my life.

I MUST recover the joy we are meant to have.

If not, then Satan wins the battle over my innermost feelings. 

LEAVE, sorrow, and let me REJOICE in what is good.

That is my prayer for right now when sorrow overtakes me - again.

Oh, family; sometimes the greatest sorrow lies therein.

Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and rejoice.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...