
Adventures on a COLD DAY....

...but with warm friends.

RAH wanted to go see an old train station.  He was so disappointed when he learned that it had been torn down in 1970, but he decided to go on the trek anyway.

So, with the Allams, the Sjogrens, and the Kerns, we headed to Modena Utah.

What we saw was totally unexpected and interesting.

Modena is a town of 11 people.  We met two of them, and talked with one:

Vince has lived in Modena for 20 years.  He is the fire chief.

Here is the Modena Hotel; it has 13 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.  It needs a little work.  HA HA.  Vince wants to buy it, but the owner is not selling!  Maybe he is hoping that Modena will get back its glory and there will be a need for a 13 bedroom hotel.

So far, it doesn't look like it, although the railroad goes thru 15 or 16 times a day!  It's noisy.

At the end of Main Street is the Last Chance Saloon.  The problem with this business is that the owners drank all the whiskey and had to abandon the business.  This is according to Vince.

Vince fixed up the school.  He trains the volunteer fire department in the old school.

The problem is that he is a hoarder, so I couldn't see anywhere that he could train people to fight fires.  But, that's his problem, and it must work somehow.

There are more pictures of course, but here's a look at Modena looking up to Main and Center Street.

And here are the happy women who are so glad they don't live in Modena, Utah!

We'll be off on another adventure soon, but it was all good.


From the Past......the WAY Past!

 A couple of months ago, my sister-in-law, Libby Gee, gave us all a copy of the slides from my parents' years in Germany.  It's so fun to look at them and think...wow!  we actually did that!

I have so Few memories of my two years there; Kaey has a few memories, but pictures don't lie.  So, it must be true.


My dad and mom were so brave to go to an enemy country so soon after a World War.  I am so amazed at their courage; it must have been a little intimidating and frightening for both of them.

And, I just wish I had asked them so many more questions.  It's ironic, really, because I ask people so many questions.  Why didn't I ask my own parents more questions?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


From the Past

This was a great trip!

A couple of years ago, we went thru the Panama Canal.  It was so much fun and while we were traveling I read the book about the Building of the Panama Canal.

The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914 

I was overwhelmed at the work, the suffering, the diseases, the man power, the resources needed to build that canal.  It's so FUN TO LEARN!

Obviously on a boat; headed where and for what, I'm just not sure, but I'm sure it was a great time!


Get Away with Friends

Allen arranged a fun getaway for us to Las Vegas.

   This was the rough draft of the "big event!"  And, in case you'd like to know, we NEVER went to McDonalds for breakfast.  That was squashed early on!

Of course, there were some changes, but it was just FUN and relaxing.  And, sadly, we didn't get pictures of everything we did; like eating chocolate at the Ethel M chocolate factory.  Now, THAT would be a happy picture, for sure.  HA HA

The Grand Adventure started at the Bellagio, where the displays were celebrating Chinese New Year.

We have been on several little short jaunts together and we always have a great time.
 Both Loretta and Mike are easy to get along with, very flexible and just plain fun. 

We went to a really nifty little restaurant in the Planet Hollywood Miracle Mile where we ate lunch for five dollars a plate, unless you add an appetizer!  We actually liked it so much that we went there on another day for another lunch.  It was inexpensive and just fun, plus the food was good!

I can't believe that I don't have a picture of Janessa's apartment and where we were staying.  It's just a lovely little condo and she has it fixed up so well.

This was not taken on our stay there, but just after she moved in.  Janessa and  Bear!

Las Vegas Temple was on the agenda for Tuesday morning...now, that is ONE beautiful temple!

It was a mighty windy morning when we came out of the temple.  We ate lunch in the cafeteria and met our dear friend, Doug Mainord, who has lost 90 pounds.  We hardly recognized him!  He gave up soda first, then bread, then just ate less.  WOW!  He looked different, but he was so happy!  And, I am totally inspired by his HUGE achievement!

When Janessa got off work, we headed to Zuppa's for dinner, then to a show that I don't want to mention.  It was sad.  I was embarrassed for myself and for our friends, and that I took our granddaughter to such a show.  I got up and walked out and Loretta turned off her hearing aid!  HA HA

One of the highlights of the trip for me was visiting The Historic Mormon Fort in Vegas.  It was absolutely fascinating to learn about the 30 missionaries (all Men) who were called to settle in Vegas...There was a spring near by, so they planted crops, and built a fort.  However, contention arose between two factions, and the mission was abandoned.

The old and the new across the street from each other!

One of the most fascinating parts of the visit was when Mike was reading the list of names of the 30 missionaries and his great grandfather's name was there!  He was so very surprised.  And, yes, he checked on his family search account and it was his relative.  What a profound moment for him and us.  This is not the actual fort, but a reconstruction of it.  These adobe bricks are very uniform and straight.  when we saw the origin adobe bricks, they were not as squared, etc.

We drove to Red Rock Canyon, but I didn't take pictures of that stunning landscape.  We also went to visit a Ranch that Howard Hughes had owned.  What a fascinating story.  He bought it so his wife would come to Las Vegas, but no one thinks he ever stepped foot in it.  It was bought by an heiress and she fixed it up, used it as a ranch, and an entertainment venue for the rich and famous, but today it is a visitor place.

Gotta try on a cowgirl hat when you're in Vegas!

But the BEST and most relaxing part of the trip was our stop on the way at Moapa Warm Springs.  We have visited there before, but have never been swimming it its 80 degree water.  It was great.

Here Loretta and I are "BASKING" in the sun, as Mike called it.  He didn't want to get in so he took at the pictures.  It was just so very great.  I'm glad I thought of it!  HA AH.....Because you see, Thursday is the only day they are open for swimming as individuals.  So, I said we should stop on our way home on Thursday......wasn't that a good idea?  Can you even imagine how thrilled the early settlers would have been to find this incredible oasis in the desert?  Although we didn't go in it, there is also a regular swimming pool that is fed by the springs.  In this natural pond, little teeny fish swim around, and if you stay still, they will eat the dead skin off your feet.  I didn't do that this time; it tickles.

I am wanting to return, for sure!

Anyway, it was a great four days; lots of good food, some just blah; but lots of laughter, stories, listening to a spiritual talk on the way home.

How Loretta and I fill our time while riding in the back seat.  
It was all good.

Until I opened the fridge and was hit in the face and nostrils with the stench of SOMETHING!  Who knows what it was or is, but it was well worth it to enjoy such a grand vacation.

Thanks, Janessa for the use of your lovely home.  It was just perfect.


Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice....

So, today we went to see some movies about the restoration, which we have been asked to study in preparation for conference in April:

Three cars parked on the other side of the temple visitor's center.  This chapel which is across the street from the visitor's center has a very sad story.  The week it was going to be opened - after tearing down the original building, and rebuilding it from scratch - someone set fire to it.  So, it had to be re-rebuilt.  It just opened about two weeks ago, after a year of working on it.

Listening to Sister Hadley share some insights after viewing the inspiring film about David Whitmer, one of the three witnesses to the Golden Plates.   The movie was exceptional and I'm so glad we could share it.

Here we are standing in front of the temple; can you see it there?  Well, only the righteous can.  HA HA ....bad lighting, but we wanted to be in this position.  Loni, Loretta, Donna.  At the last minute, Elaine couldn't go.

Now, I am 23 more minutes prepared than I was yesterday for the upcoming conference!


The non-Inspiring visit

"Okay, RAH," I said as I headed out the door to do our ministering, "No matter where they head today with their multiple health issues, I am redirecting the conversation."

I had explained earlier that whenever E and I visit C, all they talk about are health concerns...from the very top of their head to the bottom of their feet and every where in-between.  So, I was determined that THIS TIME would be different.  No matter where the health conversation headed, I would steer it in another direction!  After all, we as ministers are supposed to leave them feeling uplifted and inspired.  THAT was my goal:

Here, then, is an actual transcript of that afternoon....

Door opens:

D says cheerfully;"Hi you guys!  Come on in!"

E says as she walks thru the front door: "How is your friend who had his toes amputated?"

C smiling: "He's good, going home today, if he doesn't get sepsis. (or something, I can never follow their health dialogue....nor do I wish to!)

E: "Oh, I've had that - it's bad.  I was in the hospital for two weeks with it.  And then I got psoriasis....it was not pretty."

MOI:  "Oh, we are coming into spring - such a pretty time of year - and the flowers are supposed to start blooming?"

D:  just slightly nodding: "He may have to have a CAT scan before he leaves the hospital."

MOI:  "Oh, my goodness, speaking of cats...have you seen that little tabby running around the neighborhood?  I don't know whose cat it is....I don't think Gigi HAS a cat!   SO, whose could it be?"

D; "I'm a nurse; I know how serious these things can get.  In fact, I'm leaving in just a few minutes to go to my doctor to see about my kidney.  I suspect renal Failure."

MOI:  Trying so hard to remain optimistic and on a more pleasant path: "I'm sure it's not FAILURE.  As long as you are TRYING, it wouldn't be considered failure!"

E:  "That's terrible!  I've had so many kidney problems, and it has gone into my bladder, as you both know.  I'm still wearing that dang catheter!"

MOI: Oh, I've always loved the name Cathy for a girl.  I wish I had named a daughter Cathy, with a K!:

D:  "It's been great to have you here, but I'm off to the doctor!"

MOI:  "I wanted to leave you with a little message.  Here's a toothbrush timer, so that every time while you brush your teeth with the sand running to the bottom, you can remember to say what you are grateful for!"

E:  ""Holy cow!  Thanks for mentioning teeth...did I tell you that I'm having tooth surgery  next week?"

And, so I say: There's always Next month!


Peeves that are Petty

Red light.

All lanes of traffic have cars in them, stopped obviously by the red light.

No one can move.

And from somewhere one lane over and behind, came a HONK.

REALLY?  And, who in the heck is supposed to go forward, or move over, or ANYTHING?!

I find that so obnoxious and curious?  What was the lady supposed to do that was in front of the honking truck?  There was literally NOTHING she could do.

So, that honk annoyed me.

I don't like horns honking under any circumstances in traffic.  No one can distinguish who the honk is for, why they are honking?  And, if it's for someone to speed up, what does the speeder gain?  Thirty seconds?

So, there you have it; one of my big pet peeves.  Honking cars in traffic and now, that I think of it, how about tail gaters?

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...