
An Inspiring Letter From a Missionary Grandson...

Week 82

Hello friends and family. It has been a while since hearing from a lot of you. I hope that everyone is healthy and safe. Many have wondered what missionary work entails now since everyone seems to associate it with going from door to door. In Salt Lake City, Utah however that has never really been how things get done. 

The objective of a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has always been to invite others to come into Christ through faith in Jesus Christ and and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. 

The key word is "invite". We aren't out to argue with people, or to put down other religions, on the contrary we have great respect for loyal members of other faiths. What we are looking for are those that are also looking for us, although they may not realize it. The process of finding these people varies all over the world and is especially different now as we figure out how to magnify the amazing capabilities of the internet. Either way, it always begins with the belief and faith that God is preparing the hearts of specific individuals and that he will guide us to them as we put forth our best efforts in finding them. These are usually people that are ready to make changes in their lives, who know that they are missing something, who are sad, lonely, or have began to lose hope.

Before this process was usually done as a last resort by talking to people that we happen upon outside or visiting specific people that had been taught previously in the area. Ideally though, the best way to locate someone who was ready to listen was through friends and social connections with members in our ward. 

Now we are still learning and working out kinks but ultimately finding ways to harness the power of the internet as we are connected with people around the entire world. A lot of it is just picking up but we have been focusing and growing Facebook pages and then in turn when the pages are big enough, using our advertising budget that we have been given to run ads that target people in specific areas and that don't already have any online associations with the Church. This has been a fun process of brainstorming creative uplifting ideas for advertisements and videos.

After we find these people, it is pretty standard from there. We get to know them and try to better understand their situations so that we can better relate the gospel to their lives and show them how it can help them. There are 5 basic missionary lessons that go over God's plan for us on earth and after, what the scriptures are and how they help us, who Jesus Christ is, what His Atonement, gospel, and church are. As we teach, the kost important thing that we do is invite them to act. Often times the invitations are to read specific stories in the scriptures that we feel will relate well to them, and to pray and learn to develop a constant dialogue and personal relationship with God.

Currently we teach these through video lessons and occasionally phone calls. While I look forward to the moment that we will be able to meet in people's houses again, it really is all the same process. 

Different parts of the world and different cultures have different levels of success. I'm super thankful to have been called to the Utah Salt Lake City West mission to preach in the Spanish Language, where 50% of the city speaks Spanish and 25% have just barely arrived from different countries all over Latin America. I have learned so much. I have witnessed miracles. 

I hope to hear from all of you guys and that you have a great week!

Elder Hackworth

This letter made a grandma's heart very happy, PLUS there were pictures!  I just love to see him so happy!

OH, my heart can't contain the love I have for this wonderful young man!  

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