
I Just Don't Get It!

Because of COVID 19, I don't do my usual Sunday visits, or visits hardly at all, for that matter.  I miss those visits .

But, yesterday, I went to see Gigi and Jim.  I had asked Gigi previously if she would wear a mask, and she reluctantly agreed, saying, "If it makes you feel safer, I will."

She didn't.

When I walked in, her husband Jim said, "So, you're one of those that believe in masks, eh?"

Both of these wonderful people are in their 80's.  Jim recently had a serious fall while he was walking around the neighborhood.  He is suffering from Dementia, which is getting worse.  Gigi is very stressed about the situation with her husband and other things going on in her life.

BUT, why don't they believe this is real?  Gigi thinks it's a hoax, a conspiracy, not real.  She has some of the most radical religious beliefs I've ever heard.  I told her that we had been asked by the regional authorities to wear masks, but she just shrugs it off, but she is very committed to the Gospel and what we are asked to do.  She went to church yesterday where EVERYONE is required to wear a mask.


Health care workers over and over say wearing a mask could reduce the contagion so much, but it's like she just doesn't believe it or thinks God will save her.  

For Gigi and Jim, they go about their normal lives.  

I stay home.  I"m not fearful, just cautious.

Well, this too, shall pass.

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