
The Worth of a Soul

 It's been one week since Loretta turned on me.

It's been a difficult week.

I'm finally coming to terms with it all.  I feel a sort of measure of peace because I know God will always stay constant.  And, HE will always love me.

I will take accountability for what happened.  And, I told Loretta I was sorry, but she is unwilling to talk about it, so it must have hurt her very badly, for which I feel sad.

I'll go on living my life, content with what I have.  I will always miss the friendship we shared with Mike and Loretta, but she is not interested in rekindling the friendship.  I'm still not so sure what I did wrong, but I'll just move on and be grateful for life and other friends and family.


Donation Time

I recently donated these items to Switch Point.....

I didn't really think my family would be interested and truthfully, I thought some little Hispanic family would love to get these lovely little items.  

They are new.  

They took lots of hours to crochet; so I hope they make some new parents very happy!

Here's the thing about EVERY SINGLE thing I do; it has flaws, mistakes.  I'm not like Jenni and Kristi and my mom; they make sure everything is absolutely PErFECT....That's not me, and it makes me sad when I give away a card that has flaws.  Kristi would never do that.  

But, it is what it is, and they are gone now!

Also, I gave away a new skein of yarn yesterday to the cutest little girl in our ward.  She was happy to get it and I was happy to give it to her.  She's been teaching herself to crochet and the yard in perfect for making little dishcloths.  

So, crochet away, Miss Brooklyn!


Little Felix...

 is in the ICU.....

Struggling to breathe....But, he's doing better today on Monday.  He's such a sweet little boy.

Life is fragile, and I'm so grateful he is doing better.  


Passing Judgment ...

 ..or when will i ever learn?

So, recently I visited a family member whose house I had never been to.  It was cluttered and messy and just disorganized; it made me a little uncomfortable.

I happened to mention that to another family member and immediately wished I had NOT SAID ANYTHing.  It was snarky and unkind.  And, I felt bad.

BUT, even worse is what happened two days later.  In which I discovered something much more gross in my own home.

WEEVIL, crawling all over in a drawer that housed office supplies.  Imagine my horror at finding it, and then thinking back to my comment about her home being little cluttered; with three children, I might add.

BUT I HAD WORMS, in a drawer that I used nearly every day, and hadn't seen them crawling around at the bottom of the little plastic container.  

I HAD THE BEAM, she had the teeny mote.




Lots of fish for a fish lover.
Allen enjoying a fish dinner along the coast of Texas.
YUM!  Yum!  Butternut squash in a fish restaurant.  So good - because there was NO fish and because it was smooth and creamy going down, with just a bit of spiciness.
Dinner out with Sean and Lisa; i'm so sad that we didn't get a picture of the kids.
Denny with Ivory and Treton.  Oh, the spirit of Christ just oozes in this home.
Gavin with his son, Treton.  What a great man Gavin is.
The Wooodlands Mall...I wanted to take this picture, but it didn't turn out so well.  But, my point in taking it was to show that everyone drinks soda.  Sort of scary.  Especially for the kids.

 Most uncomfortable couch in the world!  No way to sit and get comfortable on this couch!  It was so weird because neither of us could find a way to sit.  So, we rarely used it!

This is the lovely home we stayed in in Spring, Texas.  It was very lovely and we were glad to get to use it.  

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...