
Great Taste Sensation!

I've seen them; I've heard of them...

But, I had never tasted one...it just sounded too weird.

Then, I ATE one. Wow, mouth treat! Taste treat! Now, where do I get the little tasty treats?
You know, of course, that I am talking about chocolate-covered cinnamon bears! Yum, yum!


Mrs. Olsen said...

Me likey those. Much better than chocolate covered gummy bears (yes they make those too).

Nat said...

Chocolate covered cinnamon bears are very dangerous in my hands. I can eat the whole bag.

DH said...

Does "SEES" candy make chocolate covered cinnamon bears?

Didn't Finish

 ENIGMA GIRLS Maybe I just didn't give it a good chance.  It was very boring to the point where I was reading.  It was more like a text ...