
From the Files - Family Matters

Getting acquainted with her was a delight on that afternoon.

She was bright, articulate, and beautiful.  She had gone to graduate school, worked hard, and was now a very successful business woman. 

She also, coincidentally, worked in the same business where one of her brothers worked.  They didn't see each other often, but would occasionally run into each other in the halls of the large corporation where they were both employed.  She told me how excited and happy they would be when they had  unexpected meetings in the busy workplace.

She had been raised in the Mid West.  Her parents were hardworking, modest-income wage earners.  There were also 3 brothers in the family.  Growing up, they had worked hard and played hard - together.  The four children were all well-educated and successful in their chosen fields.She loved her family a great deal.

"I recently went to see a counselor," she said sort of out of the blue.  That startled me, but then, a lot of us have issues we need help to get resolved.

"All my life, I have had self-esteem issues.  It is a constant struggle, as it is with one of my brothers; the other two are the opposite - they have enough self-esteem for an entire family.  Sometimes it gets in the way of my work and social life, but especially my work.  I'm under a lot of pressure all the time...I just always feel so INADEQUATE.

"So, I went to see a conselor who had been recommended by a friend.  The first session was pretty much the learned counselor exploring who I was, all about me, etc...

"Then I had to miss the 2nd week's appointment because my brother, a friend, and I went on a week-long trip to Europe.  We had been planning this for quite some time, so off the three of us went.

"When I went for my second time with the counselor, he asked where I had been and with whom?   I told him I had been with a friend and my brother. Then when he learned that we have gone on other trips together with my boyfriend and my brother and his wife, that we occasionally see each other unexpectedly at our joint place of work, and that we love hanging out together (either singly or with our other family members when they are around), this psycho said to me...

'Your family is NOT a normal American family, and you are too close.'

"I was irate!!!!

"And, I also realized that I was not paying $150.00 to anyone to listen to that kind of psycho-babble - I'll talk to my friends and my family, when I need some encouragement.  That statement made me so mad!"

Oh, world, what is happening out there?

When people become anormal because they enjoy being with family; it is a sicko society. 

And, that is just the way Satan wants it.

1 comment:

Ms. Fish said...

oh good heavens. that is disgusting. that therapist needs therapy.

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