
Tunnel Vision

I love living in St. George, Utah.  I like the size, the feel, the neighborhood, the weather, the PLACE.  I don't particularly like a desert, but there are other aspects that compensate for that.

But, living in Utah and Idaho for most of my life - gave me tunnel vision

There is such a big, wide world out there to explore.

There are so many customs, cultures, peoples, ideas, traditions, mores, foods, music, ideologies.

It is good to leave home for a brief moment to expand the vision of this amazing world created by God.

The charm of cape Cod is hard to describe and compare with anything.

I'm grateful for opportunities to see outside my little narrow vision.

We have recently been in Austin, SanAntonio, Cape Cod, and will now be in South Carolina for three weeks.  It will be grand and so different from anything we have experienced before.  (Allen has already set out the crab traps and he's eager to catch and eat these local crabs.)

But, I am always grateful when I return to the little corner of the world I call H.O.M.E.  I may have Tunnel Vision, but I do know that I'm grateful for a wonderful place to call my home.

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