
The Challenge

There we all were; together again, so glad to see each other again.....

Only WAIT...no one was really SEEING each other.  All of us in the room had our heads down:
checking email
playing a game
watching a video clip on YouTube
watching television

Oh, we were physically together in the same room, just not really together at all. 

That's when the idea hit:

A NO TECHNO day during the Thanksgiving Day family get together!

CRAZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE idea, but we are going to give it a try.

So, in one week - on Saturday, we say NO to:

DS personal games

What will we do?  Can we make it through an ENTIRE day without our gadgets?  Will we be speaking to one another by the end of the day?  Will we realize that we HAVE to have techno so that we like each other for that long?  Will our bodies go into some sort of panicky withdrawal?  Will anyone need emergency medical attention?  Will there be any medical attention available on a holiday weekend (tee hee!) 


Oh, there have been rumblings from the crowd of 26 people ages 5-70.

Oh, there have been murmurings and secret plots about hiding the gizmos and gadgets somewhere. 
 (BTW, this will be as hard on me as on anyone!) 

There are already signs of dissension among the troops, but we will proceed as planned.

Who Knows?
Maybe it will actually be FUN!
Stay tuned.


Mrs. Olsen said...

Can't wait to see how it turns out. Great idea!

Ms. Fish said...

You are really really funny. "need emergency medical attention?" that is hilarious. It's a great idea and I'm excited to try it. I think the whole world should have a tech free day.

kelli said...

Amen! We just went to a family get together tonight, and I was just telling Trent, that all the computer games, and phones, are so ANNOYING, at get togethers! So, you go with your techNO Turkey day!

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