
Let's Hear It For the KINDLE!

It's a phenomenal book; it's just that it is over 500 pages long.

That makes it bulky, awkward, and not very transportable. 

And sad to say, it also NOT available on my favorite reading device....the KINDLE
(and all its sister apps available on the ITouch, IPad, and Android Phones).

I love the KINDLE.

Some people tell me they don't like using it because they like the feel of turning pages...
well, there is certainly something to that.

But, it is so convenient to slip the KINDLE into a purse or bag.  It's so easy to keep track of where you are...no bookmarks falling out all over the place. 

What is great, is there is something for everyone in this world.....
But, as for MOI, I'll take the KINDLE.

Now, how do I get them to put WHITE SWANS on their list?

(NOTE:  this is not a paid political ad....the author is receiving no money for this endorsement, but if Amazon wants to give me some money, I'll humbly accept.)

1 comment:

Mrs. Olsen said...

I just heard that Amazon Prime members have access to a free lending library through their kindle. Do you use it? What do you think about it?

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