
The Office Book Shelves

In February, we went, as we usually do, to the incredible St George Parade of Homes.

Each year, I am astonished when we go into the offices/dens of the gorgeous homes.

The book shelves often hardly have ANY books on them.  No big binders of family pictures, etc.
No paperback books, which show how cheap a book buyer a person is, no books of odd sizes, no papers stuffed in the corners saying, "I'll get to this some day."

In fact, the book shelves are so inspiring that often I am ALMOST tempted to come home and fix my own shelves to look like theirs.  But, then, the question arises, where will I put all the STUFF?

Just hide it away in some secret, hidden place so that my shelves can look lovely like the model homes.


But, a few days ago, I decided to do a sort of cleaning out a little.  I wish I had done a BEFORE picture.  They still don't look at all like the model homes, but I'm working on hiding things so they look at least a little more presentable.

I have miles to go before I'm done,

BUT, it's a work in progress.....Empty book shelves, overstuffed bureau drawers.  Ha Ha.

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