
The Sunday Visits

I do love visiting on Sunday nights.

Last week, a few of us went caroling to a lady dying of bone cancer.  She seemed so appreciative and she inspired us with her cheeriness and spirit.

Tonite, Allen and I went to visit the Hancocks; a wonderful couple in our ward.  They are just good, good people....thru and thru.  He is 87 and recently suffered his sixth stroke, but he seems to be doing okay, although he struggles just a little with remembering names of people he hasn't seen in a while.  (HA, I struggle with that even when I haven't seen people in a week!)

He is approaching his 2 millionth name in indexing.  He does over 1300 per day - EVERY DAY!  I just can't even think of that many names in one day!

But, they had a sad story to tell of their beloved son, who is 36.  He - in the last 4 months - has become confined to a wheel chair because of a rare illness called PLS.  Just hearing about it was so heart breaking; he has five children and can no longer work.  The extended Hancock family is fasting and praying; giving them money, helping them in so many ways that it was very inspiring to me.

But, the tragedy of it was overwhelming.

And, once again, I came away so grateful for health, for mobility, for life itself at this point in our lives.

Life is just a constant struggle in so many ways.

I will pray for him and for his wonderful family.

It was so inspiring to be with the Hancocks.  They have such faith and strong testimonies of many things.

Yesterday, I visited Linda Asay.  Her husband was just diagnosed with liver cancer.  He has been sick for a long time, but they thought it was something totally different, so they are just trying to decide what steps to take to get him well.  Linda just got over breast cancer about a year ago, then she was operated for essential tremors, so they have been thru a lot of hard things.

And, once again, I am reminded of the many good people we encounter in our daily lives.

Knowing people like these is such a blessing.

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