
Hyrum Smith

A week ago, RAH and I went to a lecture.

I'll just say this; it was FANTASTIC!

The speaker was Hyrum Smith, who founded Tuacahn and who worked with Steven Covey in establishing Franklin Planner.

He is a motivational speaker and it's easy to see why; he was funny, told great inspiring stories, and was just good to hear.

He told a remarkable story about when he was a 14 year old Scout leader and took them to Hawaii; it was just an incredible story.  But, one thing he told them was they had to memorize these three lines

There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul. 

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Anyway, I've memorized that and just keep reviewing it...it's very inspiring, as was his talk.

Oh, people can give such good talks, and I'm grateful when I get to hear one.




Sometimes life throws a curve ball.

I think some families get by without too many of those, but for me....it's thrown me plenty.


I got thrown two curve balls in the last week; they bowled me under good.

Now, my challenge is to pick up and move forward...

With FAITH and HOPE.

Yikes, that's hard for me, but here I go...one day at a time.


The Clothes Ladies....a Study in Two Opposites

A year ago or so, I received a text from Louise.  She said that her friend was going to come over with her little trailer that she had converted into a portable clothes, accessories, shoes, boot, tops, pants and dress shop.

So, to support Louise, I stopped by to see this adorable little trailer converted to a mini clothing shop on wheels.

There were a lot of items for sale in this teeny little space, and lots of neighbors dropped by, like me, to support Louise and her friend.  I didn't know the lady at all, but while I was looking around inside, she was telling a couple of ladies that in the previous month, she personally had spent over $2,000.00 on herself for clothing.  She had realized that was a lot, so she was going to try to sell clothing to make her purchases cheaper.  So, she and her husband had bought this little travel trailer, spent ten thousand dollars to convert it into a store, and was now in business.

I listened to that tale - stunned.  TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS IN ONE MONTH ON CLOTHING!    That's my entire budget for one month.....it was ludicrous.

Now, for the exact opposite.

My sister-in-law Shauna and I were walking to a play one beautiful Saturday afternoon, and I said, "I love those black pants you have on...they are very nice-looking!"  She laughed and said they had come from the Aunt Gerry bags which are clothes that our aunt would give to Shauna occasionally.

Then she added this statement, "I bet I have not spent over $100.00 in clothing in my married life."  (45 years!)  I was stunned!  Unbelievable.  Many people have donated clothing to her over the years and that is basically all she wears.

She did tell me that she does buy shoes.

She also added that the only thing she spends almost any money on is things for her grandchildren, which she buys at dollar stores or second-hand stores usually!

So, there you have it...two styles; two women.

Both intriguing; both extremes.


A Visit From the Gees

Seven children...

All wonderful....

All so happy and all so very good and delightful.

Nathaniel and Jeanine raise them well.

And, even though, after they leave, I need to catch my breath, and rest a minute, I adore these marvelous children.  This is just what the church wants in raising a family.  They have FHE, read their scriptures, sing songs, help each other, have fun, and smile a lot.

I didn't get their picture this time, but I did get one picture of Annabelle who always makes me smile.
IT's hard to see, but she drew a cat on the Boogie Board.  In the background, you must barely see Nathaniel, who is trying to read a book and a couple his other kids.  Little Eliza and maybe Emily.

Such a marvelous family...such a JOY to be around!  Always.

Their cousins are great also.  Here's a picture taken on the Sunday of General Conference when all 11 of the kids were around:  Now that was crazy time.  But so much FUN!

Grant, aven, Hyrum showing his card tricks, Emma, Adaline, Annabelle, and Marriner.
But, where are the other five?  HA HA.


What's In a Dream?

..or in other words,

Where is Biblical Joseph when I need him?

Honestly, I have such strange dreams sometimes....it's just rather unsettling.

I think I know the meaning of some of them.

Like, last night, I dreamed we were packing up from a big camping trip or something, and I really needed to use the restroom, but when I went to use it, the lady owner of the property had literally picked up the toilet, and was hauling it away.  I'd never seen someone just pick up a real toilet and carry it in her arms.  But, the meaning of that is very clear....I needed to use the restroom...quite badly.  HA HA.

But, I've also dreamed about my mother quite a lot lately, and I don't help her when she is clearly needing help.  I was up feeling so very sad.

I wonder what meaning dreams have....

Are they just random?

Do they have a deep psychological meaning?

What do you think, Joseph, up in heaven?

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...