
From the Past......

Now, this family has EIGHT children in it and these kids are youtube sensations with videos their mom has made.  I love this picture because it shows two things I love; BOOKS, KIDS.

This was from a post made while serving our mission at the LDS Employment Center.  That was a tough mission for me.  I wanted to hand out money right and left, but that's not the purpose of the mission.  Next, I wanted to hand out jobs right and left, and that was not possible.  Then, I wanted to tell people to follow the Commandments, because your life would/could be so much better.
But, I just smiled and tried to help in ways that I could!


I Had a Dream....

...but it wasn't nearly as inspiring as Dr. Martin Luther King's dream.

I do, in fact, frequently have this dream, or something vaguely similar.

It's unsettling.

In the dream, I have a big school project due, but I'm running out of time.  In part of the dream last night, I didn't even bother to turn one of my projects in.  I just skipped doing it, and went on to the next semester.  I was embarrassed to see the teacher.

Also, last night, I was looking at other projects in hopes of getting an idea and I was anxious to get home and have my mother help me.  TIME was not on my side.  I had such a hurried feeling, but didn't know where or how to start.

Oh, dreams, when will I stop dreaming about



WEIGHT, WEIGHT, Don't Tell Me!

Bart has lost 150 pounds three times in his life.  He's on the third time now.
The last time we had church, he didn't look so good.  He looked ashen and tired and very wobbly, but he has definitely lost weight.

Everyone in the B family a few years ago lost weight on the HCG diet for an upcoming wedding.  They are all pre-diet weight again.

In 2010, when we went to China, the F team of husband and wife, had lost a lot of weight also using HCG (or whatever it is), but when we returned in 2011, they were bigger than before they had started their diet; the wife was really large.

BK has gone on diets most of her adult life; she has lost weight, but always gains it back.  When I saw her a year ago, she was very big, puffy, short of breath.  Actually, she made me scared and I hoped the was alright.

J did weight watchers.  She lost a lot of weight.  She took me into her closet to show me all her BEFORE clothes.  Although I haven't seen her for a number of years, as she has moved from across the street, I saw her once, and she was back to her bigger size, but said she would try again, or something like that.

L told me she has tried every diet known to man.  Over the years, she has lost weight, but always gained it back.  Recently she told me she is only eating salads, but because of the small amount of dressing she puts on, she gains a few pounds.

Judy lost weight; she kept it off.

So, one out of a few.


I struggle with this issue; it's genetic on my mother's side.  Many years ago, an article appeared in the newspaper declaring the Merrill family the largest in the state!  By height and weight!  Boy, I'd like to sue over that remark....but I don't think it would work 100 years later.

A few weeks ago, I ordered a darling pair of pants from someplace that gets them in China.  They are a large.  When I tried them on this morning, the didn't even begin to fit!  The Chinese have no conception of what LARGE actually means.  I will keep them as incentive.  HA HA HA HA

I have read, listened to, or watched lots of stuff on dieting, eating, food, nutrition, etc.  It really all boils down to this:


A plant-based, whole foods diet is really the only thing that works - long term.

Awhile ago, I decided that I'm old; why can't I just eat what I want.  Well, sad to say, my weight has ballooned out of control since having those thoughts.  I'm in a very big struggle right now.  

My body wants to make that article come true; BIGGEST - in weight and height...too late for height, but not for weight.

And, so the struggle goes on!


A Focus on Grandchildren

Oscar Taylor Hackworth is smack dab in the middle of some friends at a non-graduation from Carlsbad High School in California.

It's gotta be a unique year, but maybe in the long run, they'll all look back and say it was THE BEST

The black rope means he graduated in engineering and the white banner means he was an honors graduate.  Good for you!

Then, there is Janessa.  She's a dental hygienist and she has to wear so much protective gear that she goes home with a headache every night.  Also, she can't sip water like she usually does all day long, so the dehydration adds to her headache.

What a year this is!

Brett Howell posted this on IG.  Now, this adorable kid is 16!  And, he's mighty handsome!


Another Adventure in the Great Wide World

Okay, here's the deal;

I've lived here for a lot of years.

We have gone on many rides out in the canyons, hills, country side, etc.

BUT, I NEVER KNEW that not too far away was UTAH"S one and only Sequoia tree...yes, indeed, a non-giant redwood.

So, we finally ventured out and got to see the interesting and unusual bit of history!

It was really a great day - it's so fun to learn new things and to see new places!

This redwood tree was planted in 1933 or 34, so it is, of course, much smaller than the redwoods of California.  Several trees were planted at the same time, but this is the only one that has survived.

The place where it was to be found was a challenge to get to; it's not far, but for seven miles the road is rocky, narrow, dusty, etc.  But, once you arrive here at the Browse Station, it was so beautiful, filled with such green trees, and had a little brook babbling near by.  A perfect place for a picnic, but, alas, we had no food.

Next time.


Church in a Time of Covid

I went to Sacrament meeting today.

It would usually be quite normal to do that on a Sunday.

But, these are NOT normal times.

I went by myself, sat by myself, and wore a face mask, as did everyone in the congregation.

And, the congregation was very small.

We sat in every other pew, families together, but the rest of us apart.

The hymns were sung, but with no hymnbooks.

The Sacrament was passed.

The meeting I attended was similar to this, but we were all wearing masks, which I see on their laps.

There was one speaker.  He spoke on repentance and receiving guidance from the Holy Ghost.  He based his talk on a talk by President Nelson.

It was strange, but strangely comforting to be back in the familiar.

I love the sameness of church no matter where one goes, or no matter the circumstances of church.

I felt peace in the midst of chaos.


The WEIGHT of the World....


I am so inspired by and impressed by my sister-in-law.

I cannot even begin to imagine losing 100 pounds.  Because I can't lose one ounce.

One morning, she couldn't get out of bed.  Her knees hurt her so badly.  That morning, she decided to make a change.  A friend recommended a book and program called, "BRIGHT LINES."  In this program, you eat NO GLUTEN PRODUCTS and NO SUGAR!  And, you weigh your food.

So, dear Shauna began the incredible journey!

There are no words to describe my admiration for her.  She is so faithful about it...no flour, no sugar.

What an achievement.  Congrats to you, dear 100 pound less of you, Shauna!


A Day in the Life of Covid

Shopping with masks in basically a requirement now.  Which is good because the Covid numbers are rising in Utah.
We still try to be cautious.

Snow Canyon is a beautiful sight right in our own back yard.  Not literally, of course, but so very near by,
that we should go there more often to be reminded of its beauty.

It was perfect weather when we went, but here comes the HEAT, close on our tails.  UGHHHHH.


Missionary News

Hey everyone. Sorry that I haven't written a big email in so long. Life has just been crazy. 

Despite the corona virus though, the work still moves forward. This Sunday I was able to go back and baptize somone from my old area. She is 60 years old and had and survived corona virus. It's actually pretty amazing. There is a little more to the story than that but that's all that I'll share for today. Just know that nothing really has changed and missiomary life really stays the same with just a few minor modfications. I love you guys. I hope that everyone is safe.

Elder Hackworth


Gone Fishing

HA!  We went fishing, but no pictures of the actual fishing trip....

Only this picture of fresh trout that RAH made for lunch when we got home.

Actually, the fishing turned out to be rather not as expected.  For the first hour, it was spectacular out on Panguitch lake.  Perfect weather, fishing, etc.  Then, the motor stopped working.  It had done this before, but RAH thought it was fixed.  At about the same time the motor began acting up, the wind came up.  It was amazing.  Calm, then windy.  Many of the boats began getting off the lake. RAH had a hard time getting the boat turned the right way to get it on the trailer.  It was a fun challenge for him.

So, then we went on a few side trips:


GRIEF by Katherine Gee Perrone

So much death
In a weeks time
When the numbers hit you
Like whiplash
And the names blur together
And you try to find pockets of time
To process
But the tears won’t come
You’re going numb
You won’t forget 
But you won’t remember either 
Because you’ve found a quiet place
Where you pretend 
Nothings happened 
Or happening 
And you’re shrinking 
And shriveling 
Because the weight of fear
And grief
Is sitting on your throat
On your eyes
On your heart
On your hands
And on your wings—
Feathers made from the names—
Feathers that will not fly
Unless you lift fear from your throat
And in grief speak their name—
Speak the names of the dead.

My Brother's daughter posted this recently.

It expressed so profoundly what I could not put into words.  

These are the most incredible times in our history and it's all so frightening and horrific.

When did HATE and VIOLENCE become the way we solve our disagreements?

How do we teach our children this is not the way to get what we need for our society.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will try to focus on what is GOOD in my world.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...