
GRIEF by Katherine Gee Perrone

So much death
In a weeks time
When the numbers hit you
Like whiplash
And the names blur together
And you try to find pockets of time
To process
But the tears won’t come
You’re going numb
You won’t forget 
But you won’t remember either 
Because you’ve found a quiet place
Where you pretend 
Nothings happened 
Or happening 
And you’re shrinking 
And shriveling 
Because the weight of fear
And grief
Is sitting on your throat
On your eyes
On your heart
On your hands
And on your wings—
Feathers made from the names—
Feathers that will not fly
Unless you lift fear from your throat
And in grief speak their name—
Speak the names of the dead.

My Brother's daughter posted this recently.

It expressed so profoundly what I could not put into words.  

These are the most incredible times in our history and it's all so frightening and horrific.

When did HATE and VIOLENCE become the way we solve our disagreements?

How do we teach our children this is not the way to get what we need for our society.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will try to focus on what is GOOD in my world.

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