
WEIGHT, WEIGHT, Don't Tell Me!

Bart has lost 150 pounds three times in his life.  He's on the third time now.
The last time we had church, he didn't look so good.  He looked ashen and tired and very wobbly, but he has definitely lost weight.

Everyone in the B family a few years ago lost weight on the HCG diet for an upcoming wedding.  They are all pre-diet weight again.

In 2010, when we went to China, the F team of husband and wife, had lost a lot of weight also using HCG (or whatever it is), but when we returned in 2011, they were bigger than before they had started their diet; the wife was really large.

BK has gone on diets most of her adult life; she has lost weight, but always gains it back.  When I saw her a year ago, she was very big, puffy, short of breath.  Actually, she made me scared and I hoped the was alright.

J did weight watchers.  She lost a lot of weight.  She took me into her closet to show me all her BEFORE clothes.  Although I haven't seen her for a number of years, as she has moved from across the street, I saw her once, and she was back to her bigger size, but said she would try again, or something like that.

L told me she has tried every diet known to man.  Over the years, she has lost weight, but always gained it back.  Recently she told me she is only eating salads, but because of the small amount of dressing she puts on, she gains a few pounds.

Judy lost weight; she kept it off.

So, one out of a few.


I struggle with this issue; it's genetic on my mother's side.  Many years ago, an article appeared in the newspaper declaring the Merrill family the largest in the state!  By height and weight!  Boy, I'd like to sue over that remark....but I don't think it would work 100 years later.

A few weeks ago, I ordered a darling pair of pants from someplace that gets them in China.  They are a large.  When I tried them on this morning, the didn't even begin to fit!  The Chinese have no conception of what LARGE actually means.  I will keep them as incentive.  HA HA HA HA

I have read, listened to, or watched lots of stuff on dieting, eating, food, nutrition, etc.  It really all boils down to this:


A plant-based, whole foods diet is really the only thing that works - long term.

Awhile ago, I decided that I'm old; why can't I just eat what I want.  Well, sad to say, my weight has ballooned out of control since having those thoughts.  I'm in a very big struggle right now.  

My body wants to make that article come true; BIGGEST - in weight and height...too late for height, but not for weight.

And, so the struggle goes on!

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