
Thursday Adventures

 IT's a PARY on Thursdays!

This week, we went out to Sunriver to see Donna's new home which is being built.

WOW!  It's absolutely frightening with all the new building going on; no matter which end of town you look on, there is building activity.  


As we stood outside the restaurant waiting for everyone, Gigi took me aside and told me what these weekly drives mean to her.  Her husband is suffering from Dementia, and she said, "I just need to get out!  I need to talk to people.  I need social interaction."  

Oh, dear, Gigi, how we love you and wish we could lighten your burden ever more.

While we were eating at the restaurant, a lady came up to me and said, "I know YOU!"  And, indeed we did know each other.  We had both taught at Madison Middle School.    It was so fun to make that connection.   Corrine Rankin lives in Page, Arizona and she was visiting a son in St. George.  

The Thursday Gang:  Allen and Loni, Gigi and Jim Kern, Donna Conder, whose husband just got a job and can't go, Loretta and Mike Allam, Bart Barton.

Fun and food and friends; a perfect combination.


Have I Done Any Good in the World Today?

 What a great song! 

What a great message!

What is the answer?

Hard to say if you are asking about EVERY SINGLE DAY!

I like to do good.  I want to do good.  I hope I do good.  But, I'm not so sure if I do good every single day. Some days just pass in a blur.  Some days I do evident good; like tending little Cecil yesterday or helping the Meeks with their family history.  But, do I do GOOD every day?

I need to up my game.


Sorrow That the Eye Can See

 In the past two months, two events have occurred in our ward/neighborhood that are devastating to the families involved.  Both are sorrowful and are causing much heartache.  I get those feelings.

Number one...we got an envelope with a strange return address in the mail one day.

When I read this, my heart just took a beat too many.  This was so weird and unusual.  Inside the letter were photo copies of documents relating to a trial from about ten years ago.  It was a trail against a man in our ward who is a marriage counselor.  It's over and done, and he has gone on about his life, and is a marvelous man.  A disgruntled husband had sent these documents to some of our neighbors, hoping to discredit Brother DS.  He did not know anything about the letter until RAH took it over to show him.  He was upset, and was confident he knew who it was.  But, he was going to his lawyer.  So UGLY on the part of the unhappy client.  And, I was so sad for DS' wife and family that entire day.  They are a wonderful family and he did not deserve that blow.

Earlier this week, I happened to come across a kidnapping/leaving home posted on Face Book. I don't usually look at FB, so it was unusual that I found the post.  The step-father had written the post accusing some people of manipulating his son into running away.  Later that night, the 16 year old son posted on Instagram that he had escaped of his own volition.  He said his father was abusive to him and he was doing this on his own.  Well, I'm just in shock.  It's all so sad and such a misunderstanding.  His wonderful mother just gave birth to her 8th child, and the father had five of his own.  

My prayers are and have been with both of these marvelous families who are just trying to live the Gospel and raise their families.

Oh, Satan, get our of our lives.  


Eating Healthy

 It's undeniable.

People say, it's not really so, but it is...


WE are both trying very hard to eat whole, plant-based foods.  (I'm working on it a little better than RAH, but he's also going along with it.)

I've had some stomach issues for quite a long while, and I need to figure out what is going on and what is wrong.  Believe me, I've tried a lot of things, had many tests, etc.  But, still struggling.  So, according to books and podcasts I will be healed by eating whole, plant-based foods.  

Good deal.

I just didn't expect our food bill to go up so high.  Which it has.  But, it's okay, if it works in the end.  Of course, it will be fantastic if it works!  

It's interesting, however, that even in this world of good foods, there is discrepancy about what is really healthy.  For example, should I eat bananas?  Or kidney beans?  Some say no, you shouldn't.  Should I eat brazil nuts?  Aren't they okay?  According to some, they are not.  It's confusing....but I'll muddle through and just keep trying.

And be grateful for the amazing world of natural food that God created.


Life Moving Forward


It's hard to see, but there is a little tiny hummingbird nest in its beginning stages.  It was fun last year, but we decided - not again this year.  The little mother left our patio a BIG MESS.  So to deter it from building another nest, Allen put a baggie over the bolt.  Meaning the twigs would just slide off; it worked.  Bye, bye, Whirley, you'll easily be able to find another tree or nesting place.
First day back at the gym.
I love this design that I totally copied from Loretta.  We were invited to a new friend's home and I sent this to them to say thank you.

Oh my goodness; such beauty in our back yard.

Delicious, healthy salad from Chuck-a-Rama.  Trying to hard to eat wealthy.

The drawing of the project is not as fun as the coloring and shading; that's the part I really love to do.

Sunday night at the Hackworth home.  Jenni and I get together to work on a crochet project;
it's been a really fun thing.  Man, she's so talented.

I need some words, but WHAT?

I love it when these Hackworth men come visit; even for a very short time.

HA AHA...Running up Forest Gump Hill.  

New coat from Costco.  I am really liking this.


Thursday Adventures

 It's time to take a drive with our friends on Thursday.

This week, Dorothy showed us around her home of Virgin, Utah.

It's just such lovely little town.  When she lived there, there were 106 residents.  The town clerk told us yesterday that lots are selling for $300,000 right now.  I can hardly believe that.  It just seems unreal.

Here we are standing in front of the church.  A group of fairly old people, just having fun.

At lunch, Dorothy took a great picture of RAH with her fancy dancy new Phone 12 with its three cameras.  Such a good picture.  He always looks good in pictures.

The food wasn't that great, but the company was just right!



 Late Arrival; Early Departure.

How I love these fantastic brothers and their dad.

They are on their way to go skiing in Park City, Utah.  

I got a text from Sayre in the morning yesterday telling me that he had an assignment to cook fish tacos and could he do it at our home?  Sadly, I didn't take any pictures, but he was so cute as he followed the instructions and then I viewed him as he spoke in Spanish.  A couple of times an older brother would correct his grammar or his word choice.  It was so fun!  I loved it.  And the fish tacos were delicious!


Over the Past Few Weeks...


Slothful writer....slothful journal keeper.

Just enjoying life.....

Just trying to catch up to Forest Gump in Monument Valley on the Forrest Gump Hill...

We spent a wonderful five days looking at Southeastern Utah.  Astounding beauty there.

Loving this stunning picture of Daniel and Janessa Hadobas on their February 20 wedding in Breckenridge, Colorado.  Aren't they just so handsome and beautiful?!?!?!?

New jacket to match one that Loretta bought at Costco.  

Wanted to get a haircut, and use this as the picture of how I wanted it.  Didn't quite work out.

Saw this on a post and absolutely loved it.  I know MOST of these words, so it must mean i'm pretty old as these are OLD words.

We've been busy.  We've had fun.

And, we just keep on playing RummiKub almost every night.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...