This authentic, unadulterated transcript from the boardroom of one of America's leading businesses just surfaced and will appear shortly in U S News & World Report.
It is shocking!!!! And it shows to what lengths businesses will go to defy the American consumer.
CEO: Men and women...we have been given the challenging task of coming up with a packaging product that will not allow
anyone - no matter how clever or strong - to get inside a package they have just legally purchased.
Employee #1: But, what is the purpose of such packaging? After a customer has bought a product, shouldn't they be able to open it rather easily?
CEO: Heavens no! We want to show the customer just how good we really are at what we do!
Employee #2: Yeah, but sometimes it gets a little frustrating when you try to get the heavy plastic off things.
CEO: Then that's just perfect, but now our job is to make opening packages even MORE frustrating.
Employee #3: What sort of products do you want this hard-to-open packaging to include?
CEO: Virtually everything; the liner inside cereal boxes...we don't
WANT people to be able to rip those open for breakfast! Other food products like cheese, packaged meats, salad lettuce when they are in a hurry to fix dinner. But it's not just about children's toys (this could be one of our most successful because little kids are in such a hurry to get the toy open), electronic gadgets, batteries, virtually everything. Our goal is to encompass them all so sercurely in their little plastic packages that
it will take a blow torch to open anything!
Employee #2: It seems rather counter productive to make things so difficult to open.
CEO: Wrong; picture's Christmas morning. Your 7 year old son easily rips open the Christmas paper from the toy truck he has hoped for for weeks. But, then he struggles to get open the packaging we have invented, and he cannot do it. He tries, his mother tries, his older brother thinks he can get it open. It can't be done! Now, just picture how smug you will feel when you realize that you came up with that packaging, and NOT ONE PERSON IN THE ROOM can get the truck out of its plastic enclosure! Why, this will be as challenging and successful as sending man to the moon!

Employee #1: I think I'm missing something here: why is all that horrifc packaging necessary? It's just frustrating when you are trying to get - for example- your little flash drive you just purchased out of the package, and you just can't open it....why does it have to be so hard?

CEO: People, people, I have to be the only one in the room that can figure this out???????? It's progress, it's the American way, it's getting the goat of customer. We want to prove that we are KING, and we will win this war against easy opening of any product. Now, get to it!