
Encounter - Albeit Brief - with the Kennedys

It was the fall of 1960...

John F. Kennedy was running for president...incredibly, he made an historic stop in Pocatello, Idaho at the high school. After his speech, we all crowded around this handsome young man...I reached through the throng, and stuck out my hand. HE SHOOK MY HAND!

I couldn't believe it, and I said looking him straight in the eye, "I'll never wash this hand again." In his very strong Boston accent, he said directly to me,"You'd bettah!"

(Just so you know, I did.)

Lots of years later, Allen and I were on a trip to Washington, DC. We got to go into the Senate chambers where a filibuster was going on. The ONLY Senator that I remember being in that huge room was Ted Kennedy. He was standing at the podium talking, talking, talking. Hardly anyone was there to hear! We were from there to here away from him. He seemed larger than life....booming voice, large man. It was invigorating to hear him and see him in person.

Now, I don't agree with most of the politics of the Kennedys. And, I know their personal lives have never been the most admirable....

I applaud their commitment to service of our country. I believe they loved America; they loved freedom; they loved the principles upon which this nation was founded; and they had a strong commitment to make the nation a better place for all.
So, today, I'm remembering my VERY, VERY brief encounters with JFK and Edward Kennedy.

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Best Family Ever!

  Latest Zoom call.  I love these great people.  Good, good GOOD.  How did I get so blessed?!?!?!