

Just a few days ago, I posted about Kathleen;  she is 82 and I tell how she has always been in such good health.  See the post here

On Sunday night, TWO DAYS after that post, Kathleen suffered a heart attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She is in the hospital, miles away from her home in Idaho.  It is likely she will have surgery.

Then, I just got off the phone with my friend whose 36 year old niece died of a brain tumor a few days ago.  (Side note:  6 women in the same neighborhood also had brain tumors!)

I hate stories like this.

I hate news that involves:

health issues
car accidents
job loss

It totally upsets my equilibrium; it throws me for a loop.

I want happiness for everyone all the time.

I really WANT "Happily Ever After!"

Not just for me, but for everyone else as well.

Does there always have to be opposition?

I guess so.

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