
Why I Loved Teaching in China - From My Inbox

Dear Lingling,
How are you? I haven't seen you  so long. I miss you very much. Last week, when I was interpreting English in the International apartment, a retired teacher who has a master degree from Harvard reminded me of you. I think of the wonderful time we had together and the most interesting classes I have ever had in my life.
Lingling, how time flies. This is the second half of the sophomore year. At this time last year, we were having our presentation about our hometowns. In the two classes, not only you, but also all of us broadened our horizons about China. Before, I thought China was mysterous for its complex geography and various races. You urged us to learn more about our country and inspire our love for our hometown. You know, everyone was so proud when introducing our hometown.
It is a tragedy that Chinese are considered obedient and lack of logical or critical thinking. But in your class, we were asked to talked a lot about certain topics, whether it be sensitive or not. We discussed the advantages and disvantages of Guangzhou Asian Games. We talked about what to do when meeting a beggar. Our opinions were various and nothing would be censored. In the last but two classes, we gave an oral speech. We heard the inner voice of our classmates, we shared our stories together, and we got a better understanding of each other. Someone cried on the platform;others showed gratitudes to their friends and parents. I can still remember the role play. I acted as the doctor and Cynthya as patient...The memories are so vivid and warm.
Lingling, "It is a beautiful day in GZ", I say to myself every day, which helps me keep a merry mind and be positive towards everything in life. I am very busy now because I have three part-time jobs. One is to be an interpretor for the international students or foreign teachers; one is to be a tutor for a freshman who will attend the IELTS test; another is to teach a senior high student English. I am also busy with my academy. Unlike last year, now I am more confident with my English. I read a  lot of English materials. For example, Financial Times, Times, Wall Street Journal. I like scanning BBC and CNN websides. I learn differet perspectives towards the same issue, especially about China. You know Chinese govenment is very sensitive on some exsting social problems. It is difficult to get such kinds of information. Though the western media, I learn more about China and most importantly, I learn to judge which is true, which is false. I like reading. The more I read, the more ignorance I think of myself. This month, I focus on the proposals of the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. It is considered to be the only time in a year that we can speak out on politics. Last September, I voted for a representative. That was the first time in my life. I have hope for the changing face of my country.
Lingling, I will leave for Vancouver, Canada this Semtember as an exchange student. It is my dream to be out of China to gain international horizons. I am lucky and happy that I have got this opportunity. Once, you asked me to "Keep dreaming". I bear it in mind.
Lingling, how are you going afer coming back to the USA? Do you travelled a lot with Mr. Hackworth? Or do you stay in your home, enjoying the beautiful sunshine, singing and dancing with Mr. Hackworth? It is said that Americans do not live with their children. Anyhow, I dont know whether it's true.
Best wishes


nancy john said...

nice post about ielts test thanks to provide information

kelli said...

I love your blog. You are a great teacher. I was reading a book, and it had this quote, and it reminded me of you and this post. "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops."

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