
Sunday Visits

My favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon is visit some of the people in the neighborhood...tonite's visits included:

SA - whose daughter is battling drug and alcohol addiction....it reminded me that we each carry heavy burdens and we should not feel like we are the only ones suffering.

DC - who spoke in church and gave the most incredible talk about patience.  She is always an inspiration to me with her amazing faith and knowledge of the Gospel.

DB - just dropped in to see if she is feeling any better...she has health issues and is recovering from colon cancer.  Her husband is on dialysis.  It reminded me to be grateful for health when we have it.

SS - is on her way to see a neurologist in SLC tomorrow.  She suffers from pain and cannot get any relief.  Aside from being in a wheelchair, she now has this debilitating pain which she is hoping the doctor can help her with.  It reminded me to be grateful for mobility.

RMJ - oh my heck, what a great way to end the visits; which were all pretty short.  She is from Brazil, beautiful, talented, classy, and just fun.  And a talker.  But, such a fun, delightful person.  Visiting her was a great reminder of the many wonderful people who come from all over the world.

All in all, I realize there are so many good good people in our neighborhood; many with challenges, ALL with faith and HOPE.

I do love Sundays.

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