
Even the Best Intentions....

"gang aft agley..."

This was a week of good intentions gone wrong.

We wanted to spend pleasant lunch with a younger couple and have them enjoy a meal sans children.

Well, as it turned out, school was out for fall break, so she had to get a babysitter, feed everyone, etc.  So, the pleasant lunch - which did eventually happen - turned into being rather stressful for her.

Then, today, I decided to bake bread for our neighbors who have some serious health issues due to a biking accident.  The bread came out of the oven; gorgeous, lovely, but the neighbors were not home, nor are they now.  Bread is long since cold and it's just not the bang I had hoped it to be....

Then, since we gave away a lot of the loaves of bread, we decided to make another batch this evening.  LOTS of time, energy, ingredients to make freshly ground whole wheat bread.....

New yeast;

Didn't rise.

Pan full of lumpy unrisen dough on the kitchen counter.

So, as I said,

Good intentions went awry.

But, Monday will be another day to try.

1 comment:

jeremy said...

I love fresh bread. That is too bad it didn't turn out the way you had hoped.

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