
If You Climb In, You Gotta Climb Out!

Several years ago, our daughter went on an outdoor adventure class...

Part of the adventure included hiking in and out of the Grand Canyon.

When the group arrived at the bottom, one of the park rangers told the students that

SLYVESTER STALLONE had once hiked down into that incredible canyon, but he didn't want to hike back up.  He told the park service he  - the great ROCKY - would hire a helicopter to lift him out...

The ranger said, "Not possible.  If you climb in, you climb out!"

I thought of that today on a wonderful hike we went on in Snow Canyon.

When we got to the half-way mark and I was sitting under some hard-to-find shade, I wanted RAH to get the car and come get me and drive me out (which was impossible, of course!).

NOT because it was hard going; it was a fairly easy hike; nothing rugged or overwhelming.

NOT because it was too long; only a mile or so...

NOT because I was too tired to make it back.

So, here's why I didn't want to hike back.

On Sunday evening, RAH and I decided we would go on some hikes in Bryce Canyon - 2 hours to the north - and several feet higher than our elevation.

I got up early and dressed in appropriate hiking gear to wear in a higher elevation, cool climate.  Long pants suitable for cold weather; long sleeved shirt that is designed to keep one warm in cool weather.

When RAH got up this morning, he didn't want to go all the way to Bryce; too long a drive and he had some other things he was planning on doing during they afternoon....maybe we should do ZION, he said...it's closer.

Then, about 11, as I was packing some snacks, he

CHANGED his mind again and thought we should just go to Snow Canyon...a 15 minute drive.

So, he CHANGED his mind, but I did NOT CHANGE my shirt and pants.

NOON in SNOW CANYON today was mighty HOT, HOT, HOT.

And, that is why I wanted some one to come and rescue me!  My clothing was just way too hot!

So, I was suffering mightily from the heat; my hair was sticking to my face, sweat was dripping from the tip of my nose, my pants were hot, hot, hot, my shirt was stuck to my back.

I had made a big mistake by not dressing for hot temperatures.


if I walked in, I had to walk out.

Which I did.  Thank you very much.

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