

IT's hard to explain what is happening in America right now....

It's bitter...

It's ugly....

It's so divisive.....

I'm literally torn apart by what is happening, and it doesn't even personally involve me.

But, it involves the country I love; the America that has a schism right down the middle; and for some reason, I feel it personally.  It has never been so ugly or hateful or horrid as it is right now in AMERICA.

It's men against women, Republicans against Democrats, Right against Left, she said against he said; it's left me in a huge turmoil.

And, it has split RAH and me.

I feel helpless and often hopeless.

How did the country get to be in such an ugly mess as this is right now?

And, more importantly, how will we heal?

She was a credible witness; believable, honest, calm, well-spoken.

He was a belligerent, bellicose witness; but, as RAH says, his very name and character have been totally dragged through the mud.

Oh, it is so horrific.

And, I am SAD!


A Story About Nails....

Finger nails, that is.....

Three of my close friends get their nails done on a regular basis.

They always look so classy and well kept.

Now, I've had my fingernails done before, but it was a couple of years ago, and I forgot something.


I can't type, open things, etc.

Plus they drive me a little crazy; in fact, this sounds crazy, but I get claustrophobia with them on!

But, I forgot all that.

So a week ago, I went to get my nails done - French tips.


Oh, they looked so lovely.

But, the first day, they hurt.....

The second day they were annoying, and they just got even more so.

So, last night, I clipped them off.

Man, does it feel good to have my almost-regular fingernails back.  
Now, I just have to remember.



Is Anyone Out There Even Listening

Aren't they so classy?  She dresses like a million bucks; he always looks so handsome...they are so faithful and wonderful. The night I went to visit they had the Ensign, Church News, Book of Mormon, and the new book Saints on their coffee table; they are reading them all.....just inspiring, right?!?!?!

Harlan and Doris are wonderful.  He is 94, but I don't know how old she is.

He has had 8 strokes or more.  She has faithfully tended to him through them all.

'They are delightful to visit, which I have done on a number of occasions, including last Thursday.

The stories they told were poignant, sorrowful, funny, delightful, interesting, and it was a delight to be with them.

They told about a car Harland just went out and bought without consulting Doris; and a house where he did the same thing!  Oh my goodness; RAH, don't even think about it!  I left being totally uplifted and inspired and happy.

On Sunday, Doris came up to me, and whispered in my ear:  "Loni, thank you for coming to visit us; it meant so much to Harlan and to me.  After you left, we realized that you had JUST LISTENED.  You hadn't said anything about YOU!"

I wonder why we are all so eager to speak about US, and to not listen to the amazing unique stories of those around us?

WHY would I visit the Hancock's to hear stories about ME, when it is they I wish to know.

It's easy for me to listen.  Hard for me to talk.

And, over the years, I have learned some wonderful stories about others as I relax and


Bad Language and Other things of a Modern Era

I love to read.

I practically devour books...

I read during the commercials on television....

I read in the car, although RAH tells me to sit up and look around and see the great big wide world.

I read at the dinner table, at night, on the couch, in the bed, on the hammock, but I've never read in the shower...YET!

I also listen to books on Audible.

BUT, and it's a great big BUT....

I abhor how modern writers feel they have to throw in these things:




What is going on here?

Great stories inundated with "STUFF" that doesn't make a difference to the characters, plot, setting, dynamics, etc.

I wish books had a rating system like movies do.  If so, then I wouldn't even start a book that has objectionable material.

I'm not a prude, either, I just don't need that stuff in my life.

Maybe that is one reason I read so much Dickens.

Just good writing with no bad language.


No One to Share With...

Many years ago, when I would visit my parents in Salt Lake City, they would often go into their tv room and watch a couple of old British comedies.

One that I watched with them on occasions was called;


I really enjoyed that show.  Clean, clever, and about an English barrister; what's not to like?

It was not available where I lived, so the only time I saw it was at my parents' home, and that was rare.  I once paid an enormous amount of money to buy the entire set of DVDS, but I found them at that time, very dull and boring.

But, many years later, in a used bookstore, I saw a book about Rumpole of the Bailey.  I quickly snatched it up, and since then have bought almost all of them.  I used to devour them.

My personal library of RUMPOLE books.  The yellow one called RUMPOLE OMNIBUS was the first one I bought and I read it the winter we were staying in Sun City, Arizona.  It saved me from boredom.  I cannot even begin to explain my love affair with these obscure books.

However, my favorite way now to enjoy Rumpole is on AUDIBLE Books.  I listen as I run errands and drive around town.

Many, many times, I am literally laughing out loud as I sit in my car.  They are so clever and so very witty and funny.  I adore RUMPOLE as a person, even if he is fiction.

But, the problem is; there is no one to talk about these books with.  No one else would enjoy them like I do.

Often, my cousin or friends share books that we insist are MUST READS, but I've never shared or told them about RUMPOLE books.  You see, they just wouldn't GET IT.

It's a have-to-have-been-there-in-the-den-with-my-parents kind of thing.

So, I'll finally get to the end of all the Rumpole books John Mortimer wrote; I'll be sad, and some I will re-listen to, but it's going to be a sad good-bye when I've run out of Rumpole books.

Dad, thanks for introducing me To Horace Rumpole; he's been a good friend, although a lonely one.


The Book That Wasn't


A great book, great movie....



Great books....I literally laugh out loud so often...


So, the question is.....




Remake the author's great work into something it isn't even close to?

I can't figure it out.

Surely Hollywood is not that desperate.

I just want the original, thank you very much!


JOYFUL Moments from a Letter to the Family!

There are many reasons I wish we lived closer, but this weekend was one of those unique reasons.

Bridger went thru the SanDiego Temple with Jeremy, Carisa, Allen and Loni.

Afterwards, we ate dinner in the cafeteria and then the Jeremy Hackworth clan went to do a service project at  a nursing home.  Saturday night, Jeremy, Bridger, and I went MISSIONARY SHOPPING:  Shoes, pants, socks, and a couple of ties.  Do any of you remember those days of shopping.  Unfortunately, San Diego doesn’t have a MR. MAC where there are all things missionary.  HA HA HA HA.  So we hit Nordstrom Rack…...

SUNDAY was another highlight;

Both Jeremy and Bridger spoke in their old ward; I enjoyed seeing a few of the people we knew, but the highlight was definitely their talks.  Oh, how I wish the siblings and cousins could have heard these two marvelous and inspiring talks.

Jeremy talked about challenges in our lives; saying we all have them, but we have the GOSPEL and the SAVIOUR to help us thru.  He told several inspiring stories asking us, DO WE EVEN KNOW WHAT WE REALLY HAVE?  His talk was powerful and so inspiring.  (He would make a good high councilman, if they are chosen by giving good talks.)

Then Bridger talked.  His talk was so sincere and so very personal.  He had been asked to talk about his preparation for a mission.  He was very honest.  A mission was not always a sure thing for him, but several events in his life helped him understand that it was the right thing for him to do.  He told about when they first moved to Coronado, and Jeremy signed them up for a Scout camping trip.  Bridger and Oscar were NOT happy to have to go.  AND, they had to ride with the weird guy in the ward…Brother Merrill.  Here’s the thing, both Bridger and Oscar came to love Brother Merrill and his jokes and his personality.  

Another story he told was such a great example to me of a tender mercy from the Lord.  Bridger was in Santa Cruz living in the dorm.  No car.  No way to get to church.  Not knowing anyone in the church in this town 8 hours from home.  AUSTEN GEE was living close to Santa Cruz, and I called and asked if he would take Bridger to church that first Sunday of the school year.  Which Austen did.  But, Bridger said in his talk, that was Austen’s last day living in that city.  He moved away.  Bridger was on his own.  But, people at the church made arrangements for him to be picked up each week to attend his little single’s branch. What a great blessing…..

 Bridger concluded by bearing this testimony saying he knows the church is true, but, he said, with the scriptures and the doctrine; the thing about the church is  that LOVE that is there.  (“m not saying it the way he did, it was so beautiful!)

Both talks were so profound, so true, and so remarkable.

Wish you all could have been there.

Then everyone had to hurry off to another ward because Carisa and Jeremy were speaking in another Sacrament meeting, which we didn’t get to hear, sad to say; they were speaking about service, I think and Just Serve.org.  

Bridger leaves soon; he will be a great missionary.  He will follow in the tradition of his two grandfathers, father, uncles, and three Fisher cousins…..

Three Generations of Hackworth Missionaries;
Allen - Great Lakes; Bridger - Salt Lake West; Jeremy - Puerto Rico

Please make a commitment to send him your love often……

I LOVED BEING THERE, just as I love being at all family events.  FAMILY is such a great blessing!

With great love, Loni


The Irony of It All

RAH and I just signed up for a class on

THE EARLY HISTORY OF ISRAEL, which is being taught by a lady Jewish Rabbi.

I could hardly wait as I truly want to understand the history of the Middle East.

However, as smart as she is, she is disorganized, scatter-brained, and just not a good teacher.  It's hard to follow her and she wanders all over the place constantly saying, "I'll get back to that later."

But, that is not the point of this post.

The Rabbi signed an agreement to never talk about the Jewish history as a religious entity; she is not to talk about religion or prostelitize in any way.

Everyone in the class is over 55.  We are adults.  I WANT to hear the Jewish history in terms of religion.

The IRONY for me is that all over the US, liberal professors can destroy the faith of naive, beautiful young college Freshmen telling them there is no GOD, law is not important, America is a piece of crap, etc.

But, in a class of old people, who have pretty much made up their minds about religion and the direction of our lives, the rabbi cannot talk about religious matters.....WHAT is that all about?

Is the university afraid one of us might convert to Judaism at this point in our lives, and if we do, why should the university care?

It just seems so ludicrous to me, that we over 55 can't hear about religion, but the young peoples' ideologies can be destroyed by a super liberal atheist spouting off his beliefs in the comfort of his classroom, NO MATTER WHAT HIS SUBJECT MATTER IS.

Something is definitely WORNG with this picture.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...