
No One to Share With...

Many years ago, when I would visit my parents in Salt Lake City, they would often go into their tv room and watch a couple of old British comedies.

One that I watched with them on occasions was called;


I really enjoyed that show.  Clean, clever, and about an English barrister; what's not to like?

It was not available where I lived, so the only time I saw it was at my parents' home, and that was rare.  I once paid an enormous amount of money to buy the entire set of DVDS, but I found them at that time, very dull and boring.

But, many years later, in a used bookstore, I saw a book about Rumpole of the Bailey.  I quickly snatched it up, and since then have bought almost all of them.  I used to devour them.

My personal library of RUMPOLE books.  The yellow one called RUMPOLE OMNIBUS was the first one I bought and I read it the winter we were staying in Sun City, Arizona.  It saved me from boredom.  I cannot even begin to explain my love affair with these obscure books.

However, my favorite way now to enjoy Rumpole is on AUDIBLE Books.  I listen as I run errands and drive around town.

Many, many times, I am literally laughing out loud as I sit in my car.  They are so clever and so very witty and funny.  I adore RUMPOLE as a person, even if he is fiction.

But, the problem is; there is no one to talk about these books with.  No one else would enjoy them like I do.

Often, my cousin or friends share books that we insist are MUST READS, but I've never shared or told them about RUMPOLE books.  You see, they just wouldn't GET IT.

It's a have-to-have-been-there-in-the-den-with-my-parents kind of thing.

So, I'll finally get to the end of all the Rumpole books John Mortimer wrote; I'll be sad, and some I will re-listen to, but it's going to be a sad good-bye when I've run out of Rumpole books.

Dad, thanks for introducing me To Horace Rumpole; he's been a good friend, although a lonely one.

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