
Bad Language and Other things of a Modern Era

I love to read.

I practically devour books...

I read during the commercials on television....

I read in the car, although RAH tells me to sit up and look around and see the great big wide world.

I read at the dinner table, at night, on the couch, in the bed, on the hammock, but I've never read in the shower...YET!

I also listen to books on Audible.

BUT, and it's a great big BUT....

I abhor how modern writers feel they have to throw in these things:




What is going on here?

Great stories inundated with "STUFF" that doesn't make a difference to the characters, plot, setting, dynamics, etc.

I wish books had a rating system like movies do.  If so, then I wouldn't even start a book that has objectionable material.

I'm not a prude, either, I just don't need that stuff in my life.

Maybe that is one reason I read so much Dickens.

Just good writing with no bad language.

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