

IT's hard to explain what is happening in America right now....

It's bitter...

It's ugly....

It's so divisive.....

I'm literally torn apart by what is happening, and it doesn't even personally involve me.

But, it involves the country I love; the America that has a schism right down the middle; and for some reason, I feel it personally.  It has never been so ugly or hateful or horrid as it is right now in AMERICA.

It's men against women, Republicans against Democrats, Right against Left, she said against he said; it's left me in a huge turmoil.

And, it has split RAH and me.

I feel helpless and often hopeless.

How did the country get to be in such an ugly mess as this is right now?

And, more importantly, how will we heal?

She was a credible witness; believable, honest, calm, well-spoken.

He was a belligerent, bellicose witness; but, as RAH says, his very name and character have been totally dragged through the mud.

Oh, it is so horrific.

And, I am SAD!

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