
A Day in the Backcountry with Friends

New Pickup

Time to try it out!

RAH, Jim Kern, Mike Allam, Nick Watt (his wife gets car sick, so it would have been a bad deal for her,
as the ride got pretty rough in some spots.

Gigi and jim Kern

I LOVE this great picture of RAH!
I love this picture of Loretta eating her apple...so happy and fun with her Jeep Girl hat on!
She's always ready for FUN and Adventure!
Nick, Mike and Loretta Allam, and RAH.

We drove on the Lytle Ranch Road to arrive at our destination: Lytle Ranch.

Lytle Ranch is an environmental study area owned by BYU.  Students from BYU and BYU/Idaho go there to study the many species of birds (150) and other nature type things in this remote destination.

RAH was so happy with how well the pickup maneuvered, and climbed up the hills, went down the hills, etc.  He said it's his favorite vehicle that we have ever owned.  Isn't that great?

Good day with good people.

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