
A Sunday Afternoon

I just dropped by for a visit.

The floodgates opened.

Since I am just a neighbor, a friend; not a psychiatrist, I really didn't know what to say about all of DC's sorrows and heartache, which are great and many right now.

I know they say; JUST LISTEN.

But, one can't sit for two hours and NOT SAY A SINGLE WORD in response to the heartache being poured out.

Her sorrow is real; it's tearing her and her family apart.  Her wonderful world that she and her husband have created is shattering.......


I just kept repeating, I'm so very sorry.  This is so hard for you.

I didn't ever say; I know how you feel.

Because I DON'T KNOW how she feels.

But, I do know that she is heartbroken and can't quite get it sorted out.

Her husband came in the room and told her not to burden me with her problems and sorrows.

She angrily cried out, "I need to tell someone; she is my minister; I'm ALWAYS the one doing the ministering.  For many years, I've always helped others....now, it's MY TURN to be listened to!"

Life is just so challenging sometimes.  It's so HARD.

Hearing other's sorrows is hard, too.  But, it always helps me realize that there is heartache all around, and I don't have serious struggles like so many.

And, right now, I'm so grateful for the goodnesses going on in my own life.

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