Regrets...ah, I have so many relating to parenting. But, one that is way at the top of the long, long list of regrets is that I didn't ever talk about $$$$$$ with our children. I didn't help them understand saving, spending, charging, debt, etc., etc.
There are two reasons for that:
1. I didn't understand it myself!
2. I'm extremely private - like my father. (As you can see from this blog, I have obviously changed in that arena a little.) My dad was very, very private about his finances, and I tend to be that way also. Not good. Parents should talk with kids about money & finances. Parents should have children save money, pay for their own things, not be given everything, and should have a heads up about their parent's financial situation, and so on.
I'm getting better about money than before. Allen and I used to disagree about $$$$$$, until he convinced me to use a spreadsheet and a budget. It has saved our financial marriage! I'm on a budget...I like it..it's actually FUN to try and live within the guidelines and it's so fun to see the savings grow! Sometimes, it's even hard to spend money! Well, okay, just sometimes.
Here's some things I've read or learned in the last few days that are interesting to me about money:
1. Positive/optimistic people tend to make more money than negative people. (No wonder Bernie Madoff is so wealthy...he was positive he could bilk people and he did!) Well, okay, that's not the best example.
2. People who are grateful tend to lead happier, more successful lives. While this does not relate directly to money, it shows an attitude of being grateful for what one has and thus, taking care of it, and not taking life or things for granted.
3. People can change their spending habits; even people in debt can get control of their finances and turn their situation around. But, it requires discipline, a budget, and tracking expenses. Thanks, Allen, for the great spreadsheet which makes this all possible for me.
4. Sharing what we have can be done no matter what our resources are. And, that really makes for feeling good! Don't you just love to donate GOOD items to DI or Goodwill? Doesn't it just feel so good to send someone an anonymous bit of money? OH, yeah, that's gooooooooood.
5. Saving is a kick!
By the way, I just read two conflicting articles related to saving. One article stated that because Americans overspent and saved too little, consumers are partly to blame for the terrible recession we are in. Then the other article said that since the recession, Americans are saving too much and not spending enough! Figure that one out!
The bottom line is - save a little, spend a little less. And, just enjoy life with whatever you have!
Here's a mini look at our budge with the amounts removed for more privacy (see above about privacy!)