This line from his poem SNOW, which is talking about believing in God, absolutely resonated with me:

Lots of his poems are favourites, but one that is fun because it's so true is Potato Salad. It describes a perfect day with Kay & Norma Perrenoud from Rexburg, Idaho and then eating some of Norma's delicious potato makes me want some right NOW!
Allen should be poet laureate of something because he's very good at writing.
So, here's a picture of Allen as if he were poet laureate of something and people are walking by admiring this great poet!
How rich for me to rediscover his poetry as well.
Thanks for the link to Allen's poetry! I read through a couple of his poems in the few minutes that I had and look forward to reading more. I of course had to read the Potato Salad poem because my mouth was watering...potato salad is my favorite summer food- hands down. So fun! I also loved the Porter Rockwell poem. Our 11 year old is Porter and we call him Port as well on occasion.
Loni! I LOVE your blogs!!!! You are so inspiring! What an amazing family!!! I love Allen's imagry he published? Robyn is working on a children's book. Our Dr. sons have much in common: love of music, three same sex children (our Jordan's are girls), Navy. I rarely hear from him either & his wife doesn't like me...she has a good blogg too, so I see photos of les girls.
Thanks for sharing the link to poet laureate Mr. Hackworth.
Did someone really pray for Mr. Hackworth and the wailing way and then demand payment? That image was priceless in his poem "Prejudice". Thanks for sharing.
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