
It's Grandkid Time!

Kristi and Jordan both had/have Labrador retrievers. I've been with both of those dogs when they were being thrown something (stick in water or ball on lawn). Both those dogs never tired of the throw and go-get game! It would amaze me how those dogs would just keep coming back for more - even though they were very tired. Finally, the Person throwing the object would give up and say - it's time to quit.

This week, we have Miles and Eli...so fun, fun, fun. They are delightful, obedient, playful, happy, go-getters.

Last night after Family Home Evening, we were playing with balloons; tossing them back and forth to each other. I said to myself (thinking of the dogs who never tired of the game): "I'm not going to say anything...I'll just keep throwing these balloons until one of the boys says let's quit!" Wrong! They just kept playing and throwing and throwing and playing. Finally, after what seemed like a very, very long time, I gave in and said, "OK, time for a story!"

I'm wondering, really, would they still be throwing balloons if I hadn't cried UNCLE!?!?!? Would they qualify for Guinness Book of World Records if the grandmother hadn't said to herself - time for something else?

I love the enthusiasm of kids and the sheer joy they can get out of playing with an orange balloon! Thanks, Justin and Amy, for letting us play with your kids for a few days.

1 comment:

Linda Austin Hart said...

How lucky are you to have young grandkids live nearby and share FHE! And yes, my sense is that they would still be batting those balloons about.

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