
A Final Note on Money!

Dee told me a great story about money and finances.

One day, when her ex-husband brought her three daughters back from the weekend of being with him, he paid his child support in one dollar bills. That made Dee so angry! She knew he had done it on purpose just to make her angry...and of course, he had done it just to spite her. But, smart Dee....she turned it into a really great teaching moment.

She and her daughters counted the money; she had them put it in piles for all their expenses: house payment, food, tithing, car payment, gas, etc. They could visually SEE the family financial situation. She told me that it had a profound effect on those three young girls, and they didn't ask for things as much after that...because they now understood how much money was available and how far it had to stretch. They also realized that if they wanted extras, they would have to have jobs to get what they wanted.

I loved that story...wish I would have been that smart. But, it's never too late. I'm tending grandkids...maybe I can work in some money talk with my five year old and two year old (or is that too young?)

Enough of all this, but for this final note. I am extremely grateful for Allen's job over many years. It was not a high paying job, but it was sufficient and regular. Thank you, Heavenly Father for that great blessing.


kelli said...

I don't think 2 or 5 is to young to start teaching about money. My kids have a treasure chart. Each time when they do their housework, jobs, homework, they get to move one space on their treasure chart, when they get to the top they get one dollar. It usually takes them three or four weeks to get to the top. Then they have to put 10% into tithing, 10% into savings, then they get to keep the rest for "fun" money. I even found a little tin bank from Desert Book that has three slots, one for savings, one for tithing and one for fun money. I also tell my kids they have to get good grades so schools will PAY them to go to college in the form of scholarships. I don't think you can start early enough!
Love your posts!

Jordan said...

Thanks for the good advice!

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