
Gadget Guru

The last few years of my dad's life, he was really into electronic gadgets. His computer desk was a milieu of gadgets, cords, plugs, etc. He wanted the latest and greatest. I loved his enthusiasm for all the techno stuff. Sadly, as he got older he couldn't really use it or remember how to use it, but he still wanted it! Isn't that great?!?!

That brings me to MOI as a gadget guru. I'm like my dad; I want all the latest, and sadly like my father, I can't always figure out how to use it. So, guess who gets stuck figuring it out - you guessed it - the person who didn't want me to get it in the first place; and that would be Allen...my great-gadget-guru-fixer-upper-husband-of-his-wife's-toys.

Example of a gadget that needed help from my techno-savvy husband: slide scanner - or rather it should be called by its more appropriate name: slide scammer. It was a scam because it's a piece of junk, and Allen has had to try to figure out how to work it.

BUT, here's two gadgets that took no help from Allen and that I absolutely LOVE:

Are you ready for two great gadgets that I use A LOT- Here they are in full color:

You can buy these might fine products here:

Now, how do I use these mighty fine gadgets? Here's the answer: I take the IPod case to Primary and use it every Sunday to try to quiet down the little dears by playing soft Primary music? Has it ever worked? No, that is to say the IPod speakers work, but playing the music hasn't worked. I'll keep trying. I also use it when I exercise, so I don't have to wear annoying ear plugs.

As for the teeny reading light; it's awesome. It's four a.m. Allen is sound asleep, and I need to stay cozy and warm, but also need to read Bleak House. If I turn on my big reading lamp...VOILA! it wakes up Allen, so instead, I just put that little gizmo over my ear, it points right at the Kindle, and I'm ready to read without disturbing anyone.

Now, don't you agree that those are two fun gadgets?

1 comment:

Linda Austin Hart said...

I'd like an ear light gizmo like this, just because. However Alan is really a good sleeper & isn't bothered if all the lights are on and I'm reading or even if I'm fitfully tossing around in bed because I can't sleep. I envy him for his sleeping talent.

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