
All It Takes Is a Happy Mom

Heard in Stake conference today from Elder Quinton L. Cook...

he told of reading about a survey conducted many years ago.
The scientific study followed a group of people over 25 years of their life.
The study wondered what factor would make them HAPPY adults....
was it:


career path,




The answer:
a mother who was HAPPY.

That was the single most common contributor to the happiness of the people as adults.

So, grandsons, are you listening to this...

marry a happy woman.

It will make all the difference to you and your children.


Lauralee said...

"If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" An oldie, but so true. Your post is a good reminder to all our boys, sons and grandsons!

My "CONTEST" was posted on Friday, November 6th. Sorry you missed it. I thought it was fun, but obviously not many did.

Here's the link: http://manorbooks.wordpress.com/2009/11/06/a-contest-w-great-prizes/

Lauralee said...

Dr. Oz also had a "Happiness Quiz" on his site that was fun to take:


I scored HAPPY INDEED! Thank goodness for that.

Nat said...

I LOVE this picture so much!!! It definitely captures her 'happy' smile that I have grown to love. And yes, I believe what you have said, a happy mother makes all the difference in the world to a husband and family.

Mrs. Olsen said...

Wow. That is a cool result.

Best Family Ever!

  Latest Zoom call.  I love these great people.  Good, good GOOD.  How did I get so blessed?!?!?!