
When Did Reed's Disappear?

Root beer and cinnamon were my favorites.

So, when I found 2 root beer Reed's candies in a pocket, I remembereed how tasty they were.

That's when I decided to Google them to see where I could buy them.

Horror of horrors...this is what I discovered:

Now, that's a sad ending to a very fun candy.


Lauralee said...

Well that certainly is a sorry state of affairs. I loved their candy too, but haven't bought it in years. Guess I'm too late now. So sad, too bad!

Dan Asher said...

Good news...no, Great news about Reed's Candy Rolls! They're coming back thanks to a company called Iconic Candy out of New York. Google Iconic Candy and read all about it and the other candies they're bringing back.

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