WOW, so fun.
That describes the visit we had last night with a cousin and his wife that I:
rarely see,
hardly know,
and think is genuinely awesome!
Because of his job with the church and church callings,
Martel and his wife, LaRue,
have lived in:
Accra, Ghana
Yekaterinburg, Russia - mission president
Finland - temple mission
He was, in a measure, responsible for the church getting genealogy data on line when they did. It would have eventually happened, but, he modestly adds,
because of his persistance, it happened sooner than later.
He helped establish networks for the church in foreign countries.
Oh, I love to reconnect with cousins.
Thanks, Martel and LaRue, for taking the time and effort to visit!
I'll bet that your cousin knows my brother! Dr. Robert L. B. Stevenson and his work in Accra, Ghana with the hearing impaired. His organization has been going to Ghana on Thanksgiving for over 10 years. No doubt they could have crossed paths.
Here is the website to pass along to Martel. http://www.AmericaHelps.net
Wow. What an impressive man. I'm so glad for his persistence in getting those important records online for us to be able to use and enjoy. What a neat visit you must have had.
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