
Something to Think About

It was an editorial in the newspaper, and it grabbed my attention that day. 

And, it has changed the way I react to red lights.

The author was telling about the frenzied, harried lives we lead.  But she was recalling a lesson from her high school art teacher.  He told them to look at red lights as a time to stop, look around and see what was going on right around them at that moment. 

Since reading that op ed piece, I have tried that.  I have tried to not be impatient at red lights.  I have tried to see the beauty in the streets; the trees, the people, the mountains in the distance.  I have tried - really tried to have red lights not be a sign of impatience, anger, let's get moving here, but rather a moment to just say, "Wow, I'm alive; it's a lovely day.  I'm glad I can drive."

I have loved that little piece of insight she gave me that day. 

And, I realized - again - what wisdom so many people have....I feel grateful I get to be the recipient of bits of wisdom sprinkled here and there, and to see things in a way I hadn't thought of before.

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