
The Friend

Judi found out in November that she had colon cancer.

She has been undergoing treatment after some major surgery.

She has lost 85 pounds and laughed about being able to buy new clothes...much much smaller sized clothes.

She was so inspiring to talk to and then she told me this:

I decided that when I went to chemotherapy, I would try to make someone else happy that day.  I would try very hard to help someone who was scared, sick, frightened, nervous, lonely.  So, every time I go, I speak to the nurses, the patients, the workers.  My goal is to not let this get me down and to lift others up.

Oh, my dear friend, Judi, you are so inspiring to me in so many ways.  You always have been since we met many years ago, and you are even more so now.

May God Bless you on this challenging journey, but if positive attitudes count,


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