
A Fond Farewell

Today was the last day we will serve with Dennis and Kathy Peterson; two incredibly awesome missionaries:

Kathy is probably one of the most nurturing persons I have ever met.  She is truly a Christian person.  She helps many many older sisters in her ward.  They both serve as coordinators of church meetings at a nursing home.  She could be seen helping so many people at the center; people that others would not sit and work with.  She was first to clean up, set up, get birthday cards, arrange good-bye parties, etc.  Dennis is quiet, with such a low-key understated sense of humour.

Oh, I will miss them.

That is what I will miss most about our mission; the missionaries...all so very very very good.

And, speaking of missionaries, let's take a look at prayer meeting in the early morning hours:

And, what of these missionaries:

one has a brain tumour and a heart problem,
one is still working - a very busy wealthy businessman, but he wants to GIVE, so he serves two days a     week, even though he is very busy as a professional,
one loves to golf and goes several times a week,
one has many stomach issues and eats no breads, pastas, sweets, and very little fruits,
one makes quilts like some people make cookies - she just churns them out and they are beautiful,
one loves to fish,
one is very confident and just is determined to learn everything in the office,
one sold sewing machines for many years and was the top seller in the country,
one is a Democrat and is the only non-Obama basher in the office,

All so incredibly different; all so very committed to a cause; finding jobs for people.

All inspire me for various reasons.  All make me glad for this opportunity!

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