

It was his last day of work after 33 years of working for the church; no slacking off for Doug, however - he worked as hard as ever.

He helped the job candidates, he cleaned up, he bustled about, he put away, fixed up, worked on the computers, interacted with the people coming in....just a routine day for him.

Then it was time for his retirement gathering.

And, oh, the stories we heard:

Giving someone a tie who said he liked the one Doug was wearing.

Buying a belt for someone who needed it for an interview.

Patiently working with angry, bitter, mean, smelly, ornery job candidates; he would willingly help all.

Adopting five children with challenges, in addition to the child they already had.

Giving a man his shirt who needed a nice shirt for an interview.

Packing up and helping people move, making sure he loaded the heaviest items.


GIVING A MAN HIS PANTS SO THE MAN COULD GO ON AN INTERVIEW!  (For two hours, Doug was locked in his office waiting for his pants to return).

Fixing a stranger's plumbing.

Driving people to job interviews.

Giving out money over and over again to people he sensed would not take advantage of the system or him.

Oh, dear Doug, can you even begin to imagine the impact you have had on the lives of so many, many people?  No, you can't imagine, because you are humble and wouldn't begin to understand the depth of feelings we all have for you.  Of how you have changed us.  Inspired us.  Shown us how to care for the "least of these my brethren."

We ALL respect, admire, and LOVE you.

Thank you, dear Doug, for the most amazing incredible 10 months - in a very challenging atmosphere for showing such tender mercies to all who entered those doors.

And watching how you treat others, we can see exactly what our Saviour is like!

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