
Celebrating 50 Years

My parents lived in Pocatello, Idaho for many many years.

During that time, my father devoted his life, time, career to serving the community and the church.

My mother was also involved in community and church work.

They were both quite well known around the town.

But after many years, a career change took them to Virginia for a couple of years, then to California, and finally to Salt Lake City, where they lived out their wonderful lives.

As their 50th wedding anniversary approached, the siblings all encouraged them to have a celebration in their beloved Pocatello, Idaho.

My parents were vehement.


No one would remember them, they said; no one would come, they said.

But gradually, we began to break them down and get them to agree to a celebration at their former church.  

Mother was worried about what to wear and how to fix her hair (she looked gorgeous!).  Dad was worried that we would have all that food and no one would come (we portably ran out of food so many people came!).  

Their worries were for naught.

People came in throngs to see their dear friends, Merrill and Dorothy Gee, formerly of Pocatello.

They laughed, they talked about old times, they brought cards of remembrances and love.

It was just an incredible evening.

My parents glowed with the love they felt from their dear friends, neighbors, co-workers, church members, school board members, community leaders.

It was - in short - a perfect evening.

And, I've ALWAYS been grateful we carried through with that event.

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