
The Murmurer

It was at Pack Night a few nights ago.

The Cub Master had a big huge picture of the Grinch at the front....

She had asked kids to write how to make the Grinch smile...they had written many ideas and posted them on the green painted Grinch.

After she read a few them Andrea said, "When you think of people who murmer, who do you immediately think of," many children responded...."Laman and Lemuel."

Not MOI: I thought of Moi, ME, Loni, Sister Hackworth!

It was all so very ironic that she had posed THAT question, THAT night.

For you see, I had just spent the last two or more hours murmuring.

On Sunday, the Bishop called me to be a Bear Den Leader.  Of course, I said, YES, kicking and screaming inside all the way.

Then on Thursday, when it was actually Pack Night, I murmered in my head for an entire day and particularly for the two hours before the event.

"I'm too old for this!'

"I don't even like boys this age!"

"I've never been a fan of Scouts!"

"I don't know why they would call an old lady for a young person's job!"

"Why don't they ask a mother who has a kid this age?"

"Doesn't the Bishop understand we are leaving for the entire summer, so I will only be here for a few months?"


So, here I was;


I was embarrassed even though no one knew my thoughts.  I was embarrassed at myself, before God, and why I would be such a murmurer....

Now, here's the really sad thing.  Next week, when Thursday - Bear meeting - rolls around, I'll probably be murmuring once again.

So, step aside, Laman and Lemuel, you've got company....dang it!

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