
Time to Give An Accounting!

Goals for 2015:

No French fries.....achieved.
Continue to keep gas tank filled up at 1/2; achieved.
Scriptures every day; achieved, even if only a verse or two, I did it.

Goals for 2014:

Keep gas at 1/2....achieved (Mostly, if it didn't happen, it was because Allen was driving and in     charge, but when I was driving, I did it.)
Scriptures Every day; I am pretty sure I achieved this.

Goals for 2013:

Try a new recipe once a week...failed big time!  Didn't make it much past March on that one.
Scriptures every day...missed a day in March; felt like it was a total failure, but then I kept reading and am quite sure I achieved it....

So, now, it's a new year...what's on tap for this year?!?!?!??!


1.  Keep gas at 1/2 - a continuation....
2.  Scriptures daily - a continuation....
3.  Have desk cleared off each evening.... (inspired by James Clarke, a former student, and winner of one of Utah's top business men of the year....he asks that of his employees...it seems like a good thing to come to a clean desk each morning.)
4.  Lose 10 pounds....this will be so hard; I've been trying and I just can't do it....so, that means I must cut back on sweets.
5.  Not buy soda for me.  I will take a drink of Allen's occasionally, if we are eating out together, but I won't be buying any for me.

And, there you have it.

Let's hear it for NEW YEARS!

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