

..no, not the movie, but the lady around the corner; whose real name is Gudrun.

It doesn't show very well in this picture, but GIGI wears sparking blue eyeshadow up to her eyebrows.
She makes me smile.  Yesterday when we went to visit after her accident, she had no blue eyeshadow.
And, she still looked beautiful as ever.

I've known her for about four or five months.

She is truly one of the most remarkable women I have ever met.

Here's just one small reason why.  Next month, she turns 80, and she just signed up for an on-line class to learn Hebrew.

Really, at 80, you want to learn Hebrew?

I'll be 80 in five more years and I will want to learn how to walk around the block without falling.

Gigi just had a fall where she compressed some vertebrae, so she is in a brace and it's very painful for her to move.  And, move she normally does.  She irons her tee shirts and jeans, all her husband's clothes.  Makes cookies, cooks all his meals; she's just a goer and a doer.  So this fall has REALLY slowed her down.

But, for her, she sees it as a blessing - as it forces her to focus on studying her Hebrew.  AMAZING!

She is a very intense person and when she wants to DO something, she does it.  She went back to school with four kids and they all lived in a dorm.  She graduated in education with a 4.0.  She taught school on the Indian reservation where her husband was working.  She and her husband worked in the Peace Corps for a year, and she went to Japan, BY HERSELF, to teach English one year because her husband was still working on the reservation.

She and her husband, Jim, raised her four nieces and nephews after their father - her brother - killed their mother.  Her youngest child was in college, and so, they started over.

Gigi is passionate about what is happening in America because she grew up in Germany and sees what happens to a country when no one seems to be aware of what is TRULY going on.  She remembers going to school in Berlin after the war and stepping over dead bodies.

She's a thinker, a fighter, a doer, a lover of God, an amazing woman.

And, she inspires me.

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Best Family Ever!

  Latest Zoom call.  I love these great people.  Good, good GOOD.  How did I get so blessed?!?!?!