
Grocery Store Meltdown...

All my life I have been a totally Carb lover; a Carb aholic; a Carb junkee, a Carb aficionado.

Breads - of any and all kinds - and I have always had a very special relationship.

Lately I've been reading about how bad grains are for a person; how they have totally changed over the last hundred years, etc.

Because of that and a desire to lose some weight and because of some digestive issues, I am trying to CUT WAY BACK ON GRAINS.


SO, today at the grocery store, I went down the bread aisle, looking for a non-gluten bread.  As I walked past all the kinds of breads there are, I thought I might cry.  Sourdough (I love); nine-grain (delicious and I always thought healthy); mini bagels (so perfect toasted); English muffins (Whole-grain or not), Raisin toast (a perfect breakfast accompaniment for eggs), buns (with a hamburger for a summer meal), and on and on.

I would have felt silly standing there sobbing, so I quickly moved on and there they were; the crackers and the pretzels.  The chips made out of flours of all kinds.

So, I quickly moved along the back of the store; more temptations.

The Dairy Case.

I'm also trying to cut way back on dairy.  It's not good for a person.

AH, cheese, I miss you and love you.  Will we ever be reunited again?  Yoghurt; a favorite breakfast food for many years; butter, but wait, why do I need butter if I am not eating breads?  Well, of course, on my baked potato.  No, wait, POTATOES are also on the OUT list.  I am reading a book that says no to APPLES and KIDNEY BEANS.

My world is turned upside down.

It's no wonder I almost had a meltdown in the grocery store.

I was, however, able to buy a small banana.

No word yet that they are on the OFF list!

1 comment:

Laurence Gee said...

My dear cousin Loni, don't believe every thing you read. There is a lot of bad information out there


Best Family Ever!

  Latest Zoom call.  I love these great people.  Good, good GOOD.  How did I get so blessed?!?!?!