
Happy Birthday, dear dear MOTHER!

Dorothy Merrill Gee-
she loved flowers and beautiful things.
This picture was taken in Washington, DC during the Cherry Blossom Festival
How do you adequately describe a wonderful mother?

I can't do it. 

So, I'll say this; my mother was: beautiful, happy all the time, hard-working, kind, gentle, good to the core, generous, a fantastic cook, seamstress, yoga instructor long before it was the "in thing to do," lover of all things beautiful, supportive wife and mother.

She lives so strong in my memory.  Sometimes it's a tangible ache.

I wish so many things about what I should have done and talked to her about while she was alive.  (Maybe that is why I tell my grandchildren my stories, my memories.)

Mother, you are the queen of all good things in my eyes. 

And, I'm so glad that our parting on that Friday night so many years ago will not be our final good-bye.


Ms. Fish said...

What a simple, heartfelt and beautiful tribute to your mom. Sometimes I miss her so much too. In fact, yesterday, in honor of her, I made her famous jello with ice cream, grated cheese and pecans. I savored every bite recalling her delicious meals and her kindness.

I can only imagine your heartache...and am so sorry for that.

LGH said...

Ah, Jenni, you are a sweetie. I haven't had that jello in many years, but it was always a big fav of mine!

jeremy said...

Thanks for sharing this mother. Grandma had the best smile.

But to be honest, I never liked cheese on jello.

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