
The Mother Dialogues

We visit on a regular basis, so I've gotten to know her quite well.

Sometimes we just talk fluff, but sometimes if we are together for an extended period of time, we get quite personal.  Recently, S said to me:

"I  wasn't a very good mother."

"We all feel that way," I countered.

"No,"  she continued.  "I really wasn't.  I did a lot of screaming at them and didn't spend quality time with them.  You don't know."

"Listen, S," I said, "We ALL did the best we could with what we had and what we knew."

"Well," she continued.  "I will NOT make the same mistakes with my grandchildren.  When they visit, I do things with them.  I spoil them by spending time with them - we read, we play games, we do art work, or cook.  I put other things aside.  They are my first priority.  I will not let it be said of me that I wasn't a good grandmother."

And, then we moved on to other topics.

But, I realized we must all get past those long-ago should have dones!

We must do as Elder Uchtdorf said,


(but, just let me add here that I don't think he was talking about giving up chocolate!)

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